Hi I am not sure what type of Hi-torque servo that is being used. I have 2 elderly Futaba hi torque servos that have separate battery connections ( that is the normal 3 wire from the RX AND a separate 2 wire battery connector ) These servos will not work without both supplies.
Am I reading this correctly? you are planning on disconnecting the red and black power supply that would normally go to your RX? from your Hi-Torque servo and connecting these up to an independent battery supply?
This will never work. the signal relies on the negative supply (black wire) for its 'earth' return
A 1.4AHr lead acid (gelcell) battery is capable of supplying a lot more current (amps) than 1.4 amp even if only for a short time (double the current - halve the time) but a 1.5Amp bec will be damaged if you try to take more than 1.5amp from it (unless it has current limit protection in which case it will greatly reduce the voltage to the RX and servos)
I share wombat's concern
it may be a good idea to have a separate battery for each one - depending on how much elastic-trickery they consume and how much the trackwork in the receiver can carry. A few more specs would help though.
as to how much current can be drawn through the RX when using Y leads etc before the PCB track in the RX melts
I hope to include a sketch of a possible solution
cheers Tom