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Author Topic: TID Wheelhouse interior  (Read 4696 times)


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TID Wheelhouse interior
« on: July 17, 2007, 09:25:00 am »


Has anyone got or can you point me in the direction of some interior wheelhouse photos from a TID tug. The two different plans I have only show the Ships wheel and compass position but I would like to add more detail than that. I spent ages on google yesterday morning looking for photos but only found exterior photos.

Thanks in advance



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Re: TID Wheelhouse interior
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 11:19:13 am »

Hello Clive,

Hopefully these few bits can help with your model

A few photos i took of TID 164 maybe this can help a little with the exterior, i cant find anything on the wheelhouse but i do remember seeing some interior shots on a boat for sale site:

Bryan Young

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Re: TID Wheelhouse interior
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2007, 04:22:25 pm »


Has anyone got or can you point me in the direction of some interior wheelhouse photos from a TID tug. The two different plans I have only show the Ships wheel and compass position but I would like to add more detail than that. I spent ages on google yesterday morning looking for photos but only found exterior photos.

Thanks in advance

I am really quite surprised that they even had a compass! I guess they must have had an engine-room telegraph and a voice pipe to the engine-room if used only to scream insults back and forth. There would also have been a switchboard of some sort to turn the lights on and off...unless all the nav. lights were of the oil sort. Maybe some sort of "hot-plate" for the tea kettle. A couple of coat hooks. A basket for the dog. A stool to sit on. A bookshelf to hold the local "Notices to Mariners"...perhaps even a drawer to hold a couple of charts in case they were required to go out of their local area. These machines (sorry, boats) were built down to a standard and were as cheap as chips (then). They weren't expected to go very far and not expected to have a long life. But I still do not know for sure what TID stood for!
Notes from a simple seaman


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Re: TID Wheelhouse interior
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2007, 11:20:56 pm »

Hello Bryan,

The popular theory on TID is Tug Invasion Duty, More likely to have been Inshore Duty though. I have a copy of "Fifty Years of Naval Tugs" by Bill Hannan and the entry in there speculates the meaning of TID.

The fittings I have for the model are: Ships wheel, compass binacle and engine telegraph. But I would have expected more than that. Thanks for your suggestions of what might have been in there.

Clive :)


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Re: TID Wheelhouse interior
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2007, 04:39:45 pm »

I don't know if you came across the TID 164 website, and if you didn't, whether it will help if you do - but you can take a look at a few drawings on

On the second page there, you will also find a list of suggested meanings for "TID", including a number not previously mentioned. Since these were taken from contemporary Admiralty documents, it seems even THEY didn't agree what it stood for at the time they were building them!


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Re: TID Wheelhouse interior
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2007, 05:36:16 pm »

From even my memory of the latter small harbout tugs, the wheelhouse was very sparce.

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Re: TID Wheelhouse interior
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2007, 05:54:21 pm »

Right as I am in he process of building one you are quite right tin what you are saying Kendalboatsman that is all they had in the wheelhouse,the only thing you have forgotten is the seat that was located on the stern wall of the wheelhouse that ran between the 2 doors.On a 1/20th scale which is what I an building it is 20mm wide and on a 1/24th it would be 16mm wide x of course the length between the doors.what scale is yours.

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