Money saving! we all need some of that eh?
My phone contract with EE reached the 12 months so using the 3 network as a lever I bent their arm.
3 would give me unlimited everything for £20 plus first 6 months half price. Now I know 3 is not the best network but that's not the point. Armed with that offer EE changed my 20GB for £22 to 100gb for £20 saving £24 in the act. Also the SIM I pay for for my mother at £16 (she only uses calls and text) they reduced to £9 saving £84
So far £108 saved for increased benefit.
Simply asking for my PAC code to switch network lit a fire under their botty
Then Virgin Cable. This would be near £40 after the recent increase for 50mb Broadband and phone(I'm already on a price deal).
After asking to close my account they gave me 6 months at £28.50 and 6 months at £31 including the price increase
No need to do the maths........ back of the net!