Hi There! Sorry to butt in: I found this thread while I was researching the Tiger class to improve a Shipbucket profile and Google Images took me to some of the gorgeous model shots herein. This is great project! I can't even begin to imagine building a 1/72nd warship: I can barely avoid losing motivation in the middle of a 1/72nd tank!
Anyway, I wanted to chip in my twopenn'th on the Type 278 height-finding radar controversy. I agree that it makes
sense that it wouldn't just rotate all the time and would be specifically pointed at targets, however, there's film that proves otherwise. If you look at this Pathé News video on Youtube of HMS Glamorgan, you can quite clearly see the 278 rotating continuously through 360 degrees. Now whether it did that all the time, or whether it sometimes stopped to height-find a target I couldn't say.
The video is here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7sv9ODO-YUIf the link doesn't work for some reason, the exact title is: HMS Glamorgan - Computer Ship Of The Future (1967)
The 278 bits start at about the 4 minute mark, but the whole thing's only 7 minutes long and hilariously dated so watch the whole thing for a laugh!
Good luck with the Tiger build!