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Author Topic: Model making on youtube  (Read 5571 times)


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Model making on youtube
« on: November 22, 2019, 10:51:37 pm »

What are begginers going to do now?  <:(


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2019, 11:58:17 pm »

FTC & COPPA umm, never heard of them but they seem like they are idiots,

Would be surprised if it amounts to much. as it could be said that even forums with tutorials on would be hit by the rules, although I assume it is only content produced in the states which is affected.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2019, 01:18:42 am »

FTC is the Federal Trade Commission and COPPA is a piece of law in their balliwick. 

Most people understand that YouTube is a business, what they don't get is that THEY are the product.  YouTube makes money selling VERY COMPLETE profiles of its users to advertisers so that they can direct their client's ads to the 'right' people.  This is by no means the only way to show advertisements, but it is considered a premium product and YouTube does not want to settle for less.  When the Act first came into law nearly eighteen years ago, they wiggled out of its grasp by differentiating between content marked for children and content that was merely something children might want to see.   %)   They had nearly a decade and a half to anticipate the closing of the loophole and SIX YEARS since it was actually closed to adapt, but they simply continued their practices 'knowing' that as a multi-billion dollar earner they could buy their way out of trouble.  It might've worked, had they been quiet, but Google has been increasingly partisan over the years and now they have upset too many people to pay off.  This campaign that you are seeing today is Youtube redirecting blame to the FTC for passing a law eighteen years ago and amending it six years ago. 
I'm interested in tiny versions of regular size things.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2019, 07:46:03 am »

although I assume it is only content produced in the states which is affected.

Watching the video, it is said that although content producers outside the US cannot be fined, the FTC can ask Youtube to kill the channel.
The only stupid question is the one I didn't ask


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2019, 10:46:16 am »

Can't see YT doing that untill forced to.
Could be made to block content into the US, I suppose.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2019, 12:04:34 pm »

The problem is that a civil servant in the FTC will decide what is , as the law states, 'appealing to children'. Children in this context is 12 and under. Unfortunatley that's as definite as the law gets, there is no guidance as to what or is not appealing to children. For example if the FTC decides aeroplanes are appealing to little Johnny they can ban all channels that carry images of aeroplanes. And of course our hobby of modelling can be seen as in the toy genre by an anonymous civil servant so all channels covering model making on YT could be banned with huge fines on the channel owners if they persist.
This is another point to think about YT had a massive fine a few years ago new regs now deflect that fine to the channel owners. I follow Andysmodel Headquarters on YT and he has posted a very good explantion of what may happen. I recommend the video to you.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2019, 01:00:50 pm »

Ok lets think back to when I was 12.  {:-{ {:-{

What interested me?

Girls, cars, motorbikes, model boats/aircraft/cars, science (yes really), music, outdoor living, sports, wildlife etc & did I mention girls?
That just about covers 50% of what is on Youtube. Add now to that computer games & anything produced by 12 year olds for 12 year olds & very little is left.

I cannot see how this is going to work as my experience of 10-12 year olds is that they are interested in quite a lot that they have been brought up with so if you are interested in something it might be instantly banable because you have passed that interest to your kids.

The answer is obviously to stop encouraging children at all model events, double their entry prices and put a minimum age of 13 for entry into model shops (if you can still find one).

Is this really what was intended?   


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2019, 01:38:11 pm »

The problem is that a civil servant in the FTC will decide what is , as the law states, 'appealing to children'. Children in this context is 12 and under. Unfortunatley that's as definite as the law gets, there is no guidance as to what or is not appealing to children. For example if the FTC decides aeroplanes are appealing to little Johnny they can ban all channels that carry images of aeroplanes. And of course our hobby of modelling can be seen as in the toy genre by an anonymous civil servant so all channels covering model making on YT could be banned with huge fines on the channel owners if they persist.
This is another point to think about YT had a massive fine a few years ago new regs now deflect that fine to the channel owners. I follow Andysmodel Headquarters on YT and he has posted a very good explantion of what may happen. I recommend the video to you.

Yes that's the one the thread started with %)

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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2019, 01:44:07 pm »

Ok lets think back to when I was 12.  {:-{ {:-{

What interested me?

Girls, cars, motorbikes, model boats/aircraft/cars, science (yes really), music, outdoor living, sports, wildlife etc & did I mention girls?
That just about covers 50% of what is on Youtube. Add now to that computer games & anything produced by 12 year olds for 12 year olds & very little is left.

I cannot see how this is going to work as my experience of 10-12 year olds is that they are interested in quite a lot that they have been brought up with so if you are interested in something it might be instantly banable because you have passed that interest to your kids.

The answer is obviously to stop encouraging children at all model events, double their entry prices and put a minimum age of 13 for entry into model shops (if you can still find one).

Is this really what was intended?

My list was for boys. For girls add make up, hair, ponies, clothes, all chat type sites & goodness knows what else.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2019, 03:10:54 pm »

I'm guessing the $40,000 fine per video will frighten most youtubers into taking down all their content in case some idiot labels their model making as 'appealing to children'.   Even though you have to be 18 to buy the glues and paints.    %)

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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2019, 04:14:52 pm »

I'm guessing the $40,000 fine per video will frighten most youtubers into taking down all their content in case some idiot labels their model making as 'appealing to children'.   Even though you have to be 18 to buy the glues and paints.    %)

But is isn't just modelling - it is almost anything & everything.

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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2019, 04:18:32 pm »

Yes - I know - and the FTC will be deliberately making a few high-profile prosecutions to "kill one, frighten a thousand" so it will be pretty much the end of all YouTube.    The only way around it is to make all your videos 'child friendly' which means you can't make any money and your video cannot be searched for.    No point creating content.    Bye bye Youtube.

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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2019, 04:54:48 pm »

Hopefully this is wildly overstated & the legislation will only be used on the most obvious videos for kids. Otherwise this becomes a witch hunt.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2019, 10:51:17 pm »

Watching the video, it is said that although content producers outside the US cannot be fined, the FTC can ask Youtube to kill the channel.
The US Jurisdiction does not cover the whole world. Might be able to kill a US channel but not an EU one.
 This is were the problem or benfite lies . the net is globale and Jurisdication only applies in a given area.
Goole and You tube know full well if the mass hissteria that some are saying applyes . Then thats you tube over more or less. Do you think google will let that happen ,dont think so.
All they will do is shift Youtube servicers over seas out of the way of US Jurisdication.
This whole thing is a storm in a tea cup.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2019, 05:59:03 am »

Yes - I know - and the FTC will be deliberately making a few high-profile prosecutions to "kill one, frighten a thousand" so it will be pretty much the end of all YouTube.    The only way around it is to make all your videos 'child friendly' which means you can't make any money and your video cannot be searched for.    No point creating content.    Bye bye Youtube.

Youtube doesn't want content creators anyways.  They are trying to transition to a streaming service where 90 percent of content is from large corporate entities, pre-approved and sanitized. 

Right now, you can upload videos for free and Youtube pays the bandwidth cost.  If you monetize your videos, they have to give you a slice of the ad revenue, too.  YouTube wants 90 percent of their content to be paid uploads in a reinvention of the television station. 
I'm interested in tiny versions of regular size things.

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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2019, 06:44:03 am »

Youtube doesn't want content creators anyways.  They are trying to transition to a streaming service where 90 percent of content is from large corporate entities, pre-approved and sanitized. 

Right now, you can upload videos for free and Youtube pays the bandwidth cost.  If you monetize your videos, they have to give you a slice of the ad revenue, too.  YouTube wants 90 percent of their content to be paid uploads in a reinvention of the television station.
And then they will become just another Netflix - or just like any other streaming supplier and their whole use for normal people will disappear.     It will be interesting to see who comes to replace them - the business model is totally fleshed-out so anyone in China or Russia with less concerns about the ''Won't someone think of the children?" hysteria can set up and take over the internet.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2019, 08:49:09 am »

Youtube doesn't want content creators anyways.  They are trying to transition to a streaming service where 90 percent of content is from large corporate entities, pre-approved and sanitized. 

Right now, you can upload videos for free and Youtube pays the bandwidth cost.  If you monetize your videos, they have to give you a slice of the ad revenue, too.  YouTube wants 90 percent of their content to be paid uploads in a reinvention of the television station.
were did you find that fact ? 90% is a precies figgure .
Yes YouTube are moving in to streaming services. But thats an addion to there core model of creators.



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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2019, 12:13:10 pm »

one thing i did notice that was hilarious considering the subject of the youtube video, was that all of the ads (i have generally blocked targeted ads so just get hem generated by the video content ) were for childrens christmas products, erm, so google are still putting out ads targeted at children, so whose fault is it really?


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2019, 06:37:27 pm »

Yep thought so, the world has gone MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My business uses the internet, I use the internet, Amazon and Ebay use the internet.

But the internet is responsible for:

Diminishing High Streets.
Loss of Local traders.
Bullying, Trolls, and abuse on Line.
Closure of many businesses.

Oh Yes!!!!  last but not least Our good old MODEL SHOPS.

We are all to blame in one way or another, shame on us all, but this is now the way of the world.

Bring back the times of the sixties and seventies, no money, minimal food you ate what you were
given or not at all, but I new where I stood and was allowed to speak my mind and enjoyed life without
the internet, worse thing ever invented.
Back then I used to bike 22 miles to buy a model and at 57 would still rather than buy on line.
Then again maybe not (more nutters on the roads now)

However I have had my rant, back to building my boats.



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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2019, 01:12:38 pm »


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2019, 01:28:26 pm »

Oh Yes!!!!  last but not least Our good old MODEL SHOPS.

I don't think the internet is altogether to blame for the demise of the local model shop. The underlying reason is that there are no longer sufficient modellers to support shops of this type on the high street anymore. 50-60 years ago almost all young lads were modellers of some description, that's hardly the case now.

Same thing is now happening with shows. Not enough punters within reasonable travelling distance to provide the footfall needed to make them viable.

If it wasn't for the internet and those traders who have adapted to mail order using it you'd hardly be able to source modelling materials at all. As it is there is still a pretty good choice available but you'll have to go online as for most of us it isn't sold in our locality!

We must be grateful for small mercies and accept that you can't put the clock back.



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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2019, 08:11:39 pm »

looks like andy model do some back pedeling LOL.
The whole you tube thing was a storm in a tea cup.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2019, 08:39:31 pm »

looks like andy model do some back pedeling LOL.
The whole you tube thing was a storm in a tea cup.

No Andy is not back pedling , he is clarifying that the way the ruling was worded is not very clear, the fact they agreed to meet with bigger youtubers show this to be the case.The FTC created the issue, and to better explain who they are looking to get.The fine was very real so not surprised they were concerned.


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2019, 09:08:53 pm »

No Andy is not back pedling , he is clarifying that the way the ruling was worded is not very clear, the fact they agreed to meet with bigger youtubers show this to be the case.The FTC created the issue, and to better explain who they are looking to get.The fine was very real so not surprised they were concerned.
try watching the first video . He was the one blowing it up out of all propration. I watch loads of you tube channels. Not one of them made and of these COPPA videos. Why because they realised it was never going to happen . The fine was not real and never was . Stop wipping it up for your gain


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Re: Model making on youtube
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2019, 09:50:32 pm »

try watching the first video . He was the one blowing it up out of all propration. I watch loads of you tube channels. Not one of them made and of these COPPA videos. Why because they realised it was never going to happen . The fine was not real and never was . Stop wipping it up for your gain

I did watch the first video but got bored.

Wipping it up for my own Gain !!, I have nothing to gain and could not care..

Fine was not real, so this is fake news is it..

Simple search on you tube shows quite a few vids a few below.

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