Mayhem at Wicksteed - May 24 25
Oh Colin in Dick Emery's words you are awful....oh eck we shall have to explain that one to Derek Dave
When you find it Derek it will be upside down so make allowances...Colin
Well in NZ/OZ [Great Lands below the Equator] we had a popular Music Group called Split Enz.....& a song written by the world famous Finn Brothers was a title..Six Months in a Leaky Boat..........sort of reminds me of Dave's planned voyage going back home to see the Relos you have time listen to the lyrics.......couldn't get much more nautically based [You may not have heard it in the UK as I understand it was banned due to a perceived demoralisation of your British Troops & the Falklands war]
On the subject of Bethesda , the name and location brought the following to my mind. A long time ago at college but some things embed for centuries , anyone know the connection ?