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Author Topic: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...  (Read 124646 times)

Martin (Admin)

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2020, 05:36:03 am »

Just looked that pump up.... that is not a cheap item!   :o

.... Still, you get what you pay for...does that still apply these days?  {:-{
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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2020, 08:28:10 am »

Morning Martin

I think some of the stuff found on Amazon and ebay can be real gems. But usually not when looking for precision engineering. I really did try to get a £5.00 pump to do the job, but it was nowhere close. I stripped it to try to adapt the parts and improve it, no joy. I then considered a DIY pump built around a brushless pc fan motor, but as UKMike would say; 'Keep an eye on the weight...'. Then I realised it also had to be pretty much buried in the hull. Not easy for maintenance or access. I had a good look around but kept coming back to the M200 range.

I'll update its performance as the build progresse . But very pleased so far, even given the cost...

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2020, 10:51:40 am »

Morning All...

Still busy preparing / fabricating parts while I have good all round access, before planking.  Everything in the following pics is still dry fit and work in progress.

The new water pump now has a home, aim here is to keep the pump inlet low in the hull to facilitate self priming, without creating an air lock:

Port water scoop has a take off pipe that will feed the pump:

Feed from that take off pipe then comes through to the pump via the aluminium tube seen below, the pump outlet is then connected to the brass T piece to provide a flow to port and stbd.

Here's a few images of the general installation of components, working out what can go where, what the plumbing / cabling needs to look like:

I'm thinking of mounting the Rx and additional small electronic bits just forward of the batteries, still pondering that.

I'm struggling to find room in this hull for the misting unit...  Still pondering that too.

The all up weight is currently 2kg, once shafts, rudders and all you see above are put on the scales. I think that puts final weight at 2.5 / 3.0 kg....  And I'm a bit concerned about that.  Anyone reading this and has the same boat..? I'd love to hear what the weight ended up at.

Hope everyone is well.
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Martin (Admin)

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #53 on: April 02, 2020, 11:17:37 am »

How noisy is the pump?
Is it worth isolating it from the frame somehow?
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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #54 on: April 02, 2020, 11:25:31 am »

Hi Martin

It's pretty quiet on its own, but I'll see if it makes the hull resonate. I could use a grommet to keep it isolated, good idea...  :-)) 

(At the price, maybe it can play a tune....[size=78%] )[/size]

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2020, 12:51:58 pm »

Very tidy & low installation there David :-)) .........& the flow would probably embarrass a few members here

Martin.... "25dba" is as quiet as a Church mouse  {-) ......

Resultant noise really depends on a multitude of factors..sometimes rigidity plays a more effective role in resonant sound damping than attempts in isolation   <*<

Derek Warner

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #56 on: April 02, 2020, 03:17:39 pm »

Hi Derek

Well we're all getting used to isolation these days...  :((

The pump is indeed quiet, a low hum is about it.  I'm going to test the plumbing before too long to validate it all before building in. I can get a temporary feed tank to a similar water level as the boat will be when afloat, then just connect to the water pickup with some tubing and I can see if the pressure primes the pump.  And if it is, whether it can then circulate as required and exit the exhausts as intended... Ideally I'll be able to drop the voltage so the pump is running under capacity.  I'll post the results.  :-))

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2020, 09:34:14 pm »

..... >>:-( sorry...the time limit precluded me finding the specification page  :embarrassed:
Derek Warner

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2020, 10:12:24 am »

Morning All

Hope everyone had a good (if socially distanced...) Easter.

Wife has discovered online bridge, more time for building..!  :-))

Back to the Amati instruction book for a couple of days, adding some of the forward and cockpit woodwork. I want to backlight the dash instruments and add a couple of coloured LEDs in the appropriate dash lights, so have modified the frame that sits forward of the dash panel to move it forward. I don't think this will cause issues later in the build... I've cut additional notches slightly forward in the three dash bearers to give more room for wiring:

Here it is in the original position:

And moved forward:

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #59 on: April 15, 2020, 03:45:24 pm »

Dashboard well on its way...

White nylon bar cut to 3mm (same as dash ply) drilled back side 1.8mm to take the LEDs, inserted in the positions for the dials and filed flush:

LEDs fitted:

And power applied...


When the dials are in place the light output goes down a notch.

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #60 on: April 22, 2020, 04:36:18 pm »

Afternoon All

Tested the new pump and it does prime and do as intended i.e. supply water to the exhausts when boat is stationary, pleased and a little relieved with that.  It does however resonate (as you said it might Martin... ) so have isolated it and its 3mm bolt from the hull, great improvement:

Some more work in progress, been busy modifying the nav light cluster that sits on the fore deck and the windscreen mounted searchlight to accept LEDs.  Amati haven't made it easy as they're very solid cast lumps...  And so heavy...

So, the nav light cluster gets some attention from a drill to make a chamber for a white LED to eventually backlight the red / green elements:

And a saw / file / dremel takes out the cast 'lens', I have a set of cheap nav lights due so I can take out the coloured lens quadrants and trim to fit the Amati casting:

Masthead light then gets drilled to take a 1.8mm warm white LED insulated +ve wire, the -ve is the whole casting.  Just wired for testing at the moment, the final +ve to the mast light will be a thin white wire that will act as the 'Riva' pennant cord running up the back of the 'mast':

I'm thinking to just use some clear resin to fill the masthead light with the LED buried in place, then file it to the final shape.

Spotlight drilled out:

And tested, the +ve exits the casting close to the attachment point on the 'underside' of the spotlight:

The new 'lens' for the spotlight is actually the clear plastic dome part from the kit that's intended to be the top of the compass...  I'm using a real compass, the it's a spare part and ideal size.  :-))

Best regards to all.

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Mark T

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2020, 07:34:33 pm »

Thats a really nice solution - I think your very brave too cutting into such nice fittings  O0


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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #62 on: April 22, 2020, 08:06:20 pm »

Hi Mark

Thanks for this. My Plan B is to get replacement fittings from CAP Marquettes if the mods don't go well. I think its a beautiful boat and a good kit, just trying to get the most out of the build experience, and to make the best of it that I can. As we all do..!

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #63 on: April 30, 2020, 04:10:27 pm »

Afternoon All

An update on the Aquarama nav lights, pretty much finished now:

The underside of the unit has also been tapped for a 3mm thread to hold it in place on the forward deck. (I'd rather not glue it in case it needs attention once fitted.)  'Riva' pennant goes on the white cable.

On a more general note, this is what the build is looking like at the moment:

I'm working to get all the components and systems ready to install before moving on to the planking.

And from the bow:

Dash panel is sitting in place nicely (not fixed in place yet), here's a tighter view of the motors:

This is the current state of the misting unit, it works, but not yet happy with the plumbing:

And the P brackets are trimmed to fit now, looking the part. I have a pair of brass plates cut ready to attach to the top of the skegs to spread the load into the hull:

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Mark T

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #64 on: April 30, 2020, 04:51:09 pm »

Looks like its coming along very nicely.  The lights worked out pretty good too; they are nice and bright which you need otherwise no-one can see them on the lake


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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #65 on: May 11, 2020, 11:51:47 am »

Morning All

So this update is more about whats being taken off the build more than whats going on...

Aim is to get as much weight off the forward part of the hull structure as is reasonable without compromising strength:

A bit of excess keel and stern gone...  Also the base of the sunbed has been lightened, the Amati supplied sunbed is going in the bin. The wifes sewing machine will be dusted off...

Weight reduction...

Have started to profile the bow woodwork ready for planking:

A little more shaping required, but nice to the the classic Aquarama flared bow lines coming through.

Also shaping at the stern:

That's about it for today...
Best regards to all.

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #66 on: May 14, 2020, 11:03:11 am »

Morning All

More progress to report, I've added a flat platform forward of the LiPo space, this is for various electronics to be mounted. This is aft of the motors, they have fans attached so I'm thinking they will help run an airflow over the electronics:

And here it is in context:

I've started a sealing coat of thinned z-poxy to the frames / keel before planking starts:

Finally a note to say the development for the Skier for the Aquarama is taking place on this thread: [size=78%],64973.0.html[/size]

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Capt Podge

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2020, 11:09:36 am »

Hi David, what do you use to thin the z-poxy and does it have to be a specific ratio?



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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2020, 11:24:54 am »

Hi Ray

I'm using Isopropyl 91% Alcohol, I get it from Amazon, 500ml bottles from a company called 'Lucemill'.  It's about £14 per bottle, I think the price has gone up recently as its used in hand sanitizer...

I'm mixing up 5ml of z-poxy finishing resin (2.5ml from each bottle), using a syringe to add 1.5ml of alcohol and mixing for 1m, that seems to brush on easily and penetrates well, it also goes a surprisingly long way so is not adding too much weight. It also doesn't seem to effect curing time too much, I aim to use the mix within 20 mins, and its touch dry in an hour. I don't sand it til next day, it then seems 100% cured.  I'm not sure if that ratio is considered optimal, but it works for me.

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Capt Podge

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #69 on: May 14, 2020, 12:45:37 pm »

That's such a comprehensive answer - I could not have asked for more - thank you very much indeed.  :-))


Mark T

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #70 on: May 14, 2020, 04:12:20 pm »

Thats a lovely clean build you've got there very nice  :-))   Your right about the price of IPA - I bought 5 litres just before the Covid problem for £20 delivered.  The price has rocketed!


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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #71 on: May 20, 2020, 09:44:17 am »

Morning All

Not been idle...  The build now has a sealing coat of thinned two part epoxy:

And is coming in at 924 grams.  I've used 1/3 of a pack of Z-Poxy finishing epoxy, that's just under 40 grams of epoxy. Given the boat has a tendency to be wet on the inside as well as the outside, I think it's worth the weight and effort.

And to reinforce how we it can get, a tip from UKMike (now on his second Aquarama) was to drill a hole in the forward cabin footwell as it could hold water.  So here we go, hole drilled, pipe added and will divert any water to somewhere else in the boat that can be seen, and extracted...  {:-{

And finally, a whinge...   Just a small one.  A first world problem in the grand scheme of things...

"...Dear Amati, it would be nice on a kit like this if you could cut the wood so that when it goes together the grain is going the right way...  Thanks..."

In this pic, three panels in the cabin, two vertical grain, one horizontal in the middle.

Whinge over.  :-))

Plan is now to check the shaping around the bow, sand as required and get ready for the first layer of planking.  I'm hoping to lay a few planks working out from the keel, then keep up with the thinned epoxy sealing inside as planking progresses.  Also to spend a bit of time working out the revised chine and how that's going to work out in terms of planking...

Best regards to all.

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #72 on: May 28, 2020, 04:15:28 pm »

Afternoon All

So the planking has been started.  This will go one of two ways...  I've not done it before.  Plan is to take it slow, measure twice and cut once...  :-))

Following recommendations on another thread I now have three 1/10 scale figures for the boat, a driver, passenger and skier...  They're from Germany and built for boats (driver and passenger are seated), look cast to me and about 20 Euros each, not a lot of choice out there at 1/10 scale it seems to me.

Here's the captain:

At 62g that not too bad and lighter than most of the action figures available elsewhere.  I did look at 3D printed figures, but the costs are pretty high, going to try these first.

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #73 on: May 29, 2020, 05:07:37 pm »

Afternoon All

A little progress with the planking:

I saw on another thread the use of bulldog clips to hold the planks against the frames rather than pins, I'm trying that approach along with the usual clamps and elastic bands.

And I have a new best friend:

Beautifully engineered. The Veritas Miniature low angle Block Plane... So if the planking's a disaster, I can't blame the tools...  %)

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Re: David's Amati Riva Aquarama Build - With some mods...
« Reply #74 on: May 29, 2020, 05:54:13 pm »

Hi David

I bought one of those some time ago but only recently used it for shaping some bow formers. Just the job and as you say beautifully engineered. I bought a set of the chisels as well and was surprised at how small they are! They have been useful as well for notching etc.

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