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Author Topic: Covid vaccination  (Read 96622 times)

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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #275 on: February 08, 2021, 09:23:04 pm »

The GP rang me at 4pm today - there's a spare shot waiting for me right then and there........errrrr - no thanks.   I'm in the middle of chemotherapy and I had a burn-up of 39.4 degrees for 3 hours a few nights ago - I don't really want to challenge my body with anything else right now.


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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #276 on: February 08, 2021, 10:40:19 pm »

Pessimistic nope Colin just doing the math I may well be wrong as might be most of the doom and gloom  that is the trend on most of the posts.They have also bottled out on just using a mix for the 2nd which would have made it easier to fit people in and gave another We were first headline. Agreed they are doing well with the program for the first  but autumn boosts  we'll see. What date did you get for your second?

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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #277 on: February 09, 2021, 10:46:02 am »

I have come to a conclusion. This isn't doom and gloom it is a positive decision.

I am due my vaccination in the next week or so and I am going to hold out for a Pfizer vaccine. I will refuse an Oxford vaccine even if I cannot find out that I am receiving it until I am at the vaccination centre. Ever since data was first released the numbers have looked better for Pfizer and the South African numbers (although provisional) are the last straw. If the South African, and other, mutations find an advantage they will use it. A large proportion of the population being less immune to it than is true for other mutations is just such an advantage.

I can understand the government position. They want to protect the NHS & get the country back to school & work. They have got a lot of the Oxford vaccine and it will help achieve their aims. They can promise a top up in the autumn & they need us to believe it is all, with great care, just fine. 

My position is different and about me as an individual. Other than for exercise (including standing alone by the village pond) and an emergency visit to the dentist I haven't been out of the house since last Easter. I want to feel, & actually be, safe when I do go out and the Oxford vaccine simply isn't going to achieve that for me. Flag waving about "British" vaccines & assertions that it probably reduces serious illness and death with the variants just don't cut it.

Promises of a top up vaccine that will be delivered in the autumn - probably in the same order as the first vaccine - mean that I wouldn't get it until October - November. Another 8 months being locked up.

I know that some older recipients were reported as refusing the Pfizer vaccine as they wanted "the British one". I wonder how many, if any, serious shielders will agree with me?

I will be interested to hear what the WHO says later in the week although it won't change my mind.


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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #278 on: February 09, 2021, 11:41:03 am »

The staff at vaccination centres are trying to jab a lot of people very quickly. This is a numbers game.

If everyone who turns up wants to argue about the type of vaccine, then demand to be jabbed in the car park and dozen other things, then they will struggle to process anything like the numbers we are told are required to get the country back to normal. My local centre are processing 30 people an hour. Now imagine each of those wants to have a "discussion" about the science. You'd be lucky to do four. That's a difference of over 200 per day in that once small centre. A thousand a week.

Anyone is welcome to refuse a jab and stay at home until things return to normal. Just remember that IMHO opinion*, that means you stay at home forever as there will always be another mutation, another stain. If that suits you, then great.

If you chose to make the decision at the centre, then that's a load of time hard-working staff and volunteers need to spend trying to change your mind - and they will do because they want you to be protected. That stops other people getting their jab and the protection it provides.

Personally, I'll take what's on offer.

*Obviously, I'm no expert, but then I don't think anyone else here is.

Colin Bishop

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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #279 on: February 09, 2021, 12:10:04 pm »

I had mine yesterday, the Oxford one. So did Mrs B. Had a bit of a reaction overnight with painful joints and fluish symptoms when I woke up this morning but they have pretty much subsided now. Both of us feel slightly under the weather at the moment but they warn you about that.

I agree with Phil, I think the only way you can 'choose' which one you get is if you are invited by your local surgery and also get a letter from th NHS inviting you to book in at a regional centre and the two are offering different vaccines. Don't assume that your local surgery will be the Oxford one. Two friends of mine were offered jabs separately, she got Pfizer at the local place, he got the Oxford one at Epsom Racecourse. The NHS have stated that you take what is on offer, you don't get a choice. Half a loaf is better than none.

After three weeks I think I will feel safer as long as the South African mutation doesn't take over but I don't think anyone can really feel totally safe for a long while yet. When we were in tier 2 last year we were happy to drive down to the coast, visit garden centres and go for country walks, all with social distancing, and with the Oxford vaccine I think that will become safer as long as there are no serious mutations. Foreign travel will be out for a long time yet but maybe a hotel break in the Isle of Wight....

In the meantime I think the Government have seriously dropped the ball yet again in allowing all and sundry to enter the country and not even attempting to keep tabs on them isolating. They are still taking forever to get a grip on this and I think there are a lot of people flouting the regulations with impunity.



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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #280 on: February 09, 2021, 12:14:32 pm »

My position is different and about me as an individual. Other than for exercise (including standing alone by the village pond) and an emergency visit to the dentist I haven't been out of the house since last Easter. I want to feel, & actually be, safe when I do go out and the Oxford vaccine simply isn't going to achieve that for me. Flag waving about "British" vaccines & assertions that it probably reduces serious illness and death with the variants just don't cut it.

Promises of a top up vaccine that will be delivered in the autumn - probably in the same order as the first vaccine - mean that I wouldn't get it until October - November. Another 8 months being locked up.

I know that some older recipients were reported as refusing the Pfizer vaccine as they wanted "the British one". I wonder how many, if any, serious shielders will agree with me?

I will be interested to hear what the WHO says later in the week although it won't change my mind.
I too have been shielding since last March.
Yesterday I had my 1st vaccine dose at Llandudno's mass vaccination centre and during a wait the centre manager walked through answering questions as he went.   He was explicit that because of logistics, the Mass Centres use the Pfizer vaccine and smaller centres use the Astra one.   

You do not get a choice, they only provide one type at each centre. people who refused yesterday were told to leave and phone the appointment hotline.

You need to phone the vaccine appointments hotline now and confirm which type of vaccine is available where and alter your appointment accordingly.

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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #281 on: February 09, 2021, 12:19:20 pm »

He was explicit that because of logistics, the Mass Centres use the Pfizer vaccine and smaller centres use the Astra one.   

Usually I would imagine, but not the case for my friends yesterday as mentioned above.



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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #282 on: February 09, 2021, 12:33:52 pm »

The concern about the African  variant was that not based on  AZ results in Africa.If so and African type is deemed more subsceptible to the virus  than Whites wonder who  was the survey  done on.


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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #283 on: February 09, 2021, 12:34:56 pm »

I look at it this way - no vaccine is 100% effective.  Most are in the 60%-80% range and that is sufficient to stop a major health crisis and keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.  Any protection is, in my view, worth having.  It will probably stop you from being infected, if you are infected it will probably reduce the severity of your symptoms and if you do get really ill, the capacity will be there to treat you in a timely and effective way.

Yes, there will continue to be deaths from COVID (and flu, and other viruses), but society will regain the ability to operate in the way we wish.  The vaccination is as much for the good of others as it is for each individual.

Of course, every individual is free to refuse vaccination.  But I am tempted to ask if those individuals will feel equally free to refuse hospital treatment should they succumb to infection.  I guess not!

Stay safe everyone!


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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #284 on: February 09, 2021, 01:24:45 pm »

Each to his own. I will try & find out which vaccine they are offering where but that might or might not work.

Arguments such as that this won't be the last mutation carry no weight with me. You start from where you are & progress from there. To my eye the Pfizer is the better place to start.

I plan on not needing hospital whatever happens as if I don't feel protected I won't be going anywhere to catch anything.

Around here the reverse seems to be true. I have asked everyone that I know where they had it & what they had. The big local vaccination centre seems to be Oxford and the smaller more local centre Pfizer but, of course, that might all change tomorrow.



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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #285 on: February 09, 2021, 02:11:33 pm »

Hi all, on TV last night there was an item on the way the covid virus has mutated.  It has passed the 2000 different mutations now so we must expect it to have many that fell by the wayside and some that will be more difficult to deal with.  Time will tell and has been said a jab is better than no jab.
The dangerous ones are those which cross from the animal kingdom to humans and there have been quite a few.



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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #286 on: February 09, 2021, 10:35:18 pm »

Down for mine for tomorrow morning. Whatever variety it may be



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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #287 on: February 09, 2021, 10:42:24 pm »

I took my mother for her Oxford jab yesterday. I phoned her this morning to check on her and nothing to report. :-))

It was the first day of public vaccinations at Elland Road FC and all the staff on in and around the site were excellent in extremely cold conditions. Many of the crew inside were military medics. I must commend the patience and understanding of the reception staff given the very elderly clientele
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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #288 on: February 10, 2021, 11:30:50 am »

From todays news it would appear that things are not going so swimmingly with our EU neighbour.
And everyone thought it was IVAN who was terrible

Colin Bishop

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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #289 on: February 10, 2021, 11:34:41 am »

No, I have some contacts over there and it all seems to be a bit of a shambles. Not helped by a large minority being vaccination refuseniks.



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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #290 on: February 10, 2021, 11:49:33 am »

Down for mine for tomorrow morning. Whatever variety it may be

   Just back from getting the jab. Turned out to be the AtraZeneca version.  Both before the injection and in the leaflet you are given after, they reel off a list of the likely or possible side effects.  Now sitting back home with a cup of coffee chilling out and seeing if any of the side effects kick in!    Think that I need to get out more {-) .

Colin Bishop

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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #291 on: February 10, 2021, 12:41:30 pm »

Now sitting back home with a cup of coffee chilling out and seeing if any of the side effects kick in! 

Well, if you start hearing voices in your head you are probably tuning in to 5G mobile phome transmissions...



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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #292 on: February 10, 2021, 02:23:09 pm »

Well, if you start hearing voices in your head you are probably tuning in to 5G mobile phome transmissions...


  In which case you need to phome hone .

    Two weeks on from my jab I seem to be suffering a degree of skin irritation , itching in the unmentionables.  Wonder if this is an after effect, anyone else had this ?  (astra zeneca )
And everyone thought it was IVAN who was terrible

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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #293 on: February 10, 2021, 02:53:06 pm »

I have heard of other reasons for itching in the unmentionables  %) %) %) .

We have a couple of locals who have had virtually every possible side effect listed - but then they always do.

Many seem to know that they have had it but 24hrs later are fine. This isn't a very high price.


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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #294 on: February 10, 2021, 06:24:09 pm »

50 hours since my Pfizer injection, only symptom was a dull ache at the injection site and that had cleared up by this morning.


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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #295 on: February 13, 2021, 09:30:21 am »

I have been invited to a central facility to have mine (i'm sub 60  %) ) for next week, I expect that I will succumb to the worst of the side effects, i'm lucky like that  >>:-( , at least I am furloughed till the end of next month.
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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #296 on: February 13, 2021, 11:26:00 am »

It’s certainly getting quicker- my Mum got her invite last night for next Thursday and she she is under 65. Didn’t expect to get called up until April. I’m the only one left in my family who won’t have had one and probably won’t until May or June.
Nick B

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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #297 on: February 13, 2021, 12:15:01 pm »

Having had my jab we now come to the tricky bit.

I know that it will not have any effect for 3 weeks and after that the result is uncertain so what is my plan to try and get back some sort of a normal life whilst at the same time minimising risk? I am sure that this comes in stages certainly until 2nd jab + 3 weeks from now and very much depends on the overall situation. A year of shielding is a hard act to follow.

This is totally independent of what Boris & friends say.


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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #298 on: February 13, 2021, 01:28:50 pm »

Had mine yesterday no adverse effects so far not even sore where it was injected in my arm


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Re: Covid vaccination
« Reply #299 on: February 13, 2021, 05:23:48 pm »

In my area, 5 surgeries got together and they have about 8 jabbers on the go, very efficient and friendly attitude. Arrive at the surgery, shown where to park and escorted to where you sign in, walk through into corridor and some one jabs you, their helper gives you a reminder card and then in a large room I had to sit for 15 minutes  That was on the 4th of this month and now they have virtually completed the over sixties. Just hope this lockdown comes to an end soon, have run out of jobs to do indoors and it is too bloody cold outside to work in the garden or fiddle in my workshop. I had the phisor jab my wife 2 days later had the Oxford jab, the young helper in the waiting room, said they do not know which type they have until it arrives.

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