Thankyou for replying C-3PO
I can replicate what you have shown me, what I am looking for is one servo only, currently I have ben out of circulation for some time, some time ago I made the schooner a "taste of freedom", it was an exercise to get over my first heart attack, she sailed beautifully with one servo winch controlling both sails
I took the servo and the linkage from her and then decided to build the VO60 ocean racer I was at the stage of fitting the servo into the VO60 when things went wrong with me again, so after a considerable time I am now attempting to refit the VO60 with the schooners control system
the one servo gave me full movement on the main sail, and half that for the jib, I did not keep a copy of how to do this, and I am struggling to remember how I did it, its not impossible as it worked in the Schooner
I hope some can help