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Author Topic: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx  (Read 1778 times)


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FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« on: November 30, 2022, 12:45:28 pm »

Hi All
I've recently upgraded to a Flysky FS-i6x from a planet TS2 after having undiagnosable signal drop outs on the TS2 (but that's another story). One feature of the i6x that I was looking forward to was being able to pair to multiple receivers, save settings and switch between them. However after having receieved the unit and setting it up succesfully, there seems to be a bit of a caveat that I have missed. It won't let you change connection to another model until the first is powered off. Which to me, sounds like I could end up in the situation where one model is imobilised in the water due to a non eletrical issue, weed or shaft coupling fails etc and I would be unable to self rescue as I would be unable to use my transmitter to control my own rescue craft?
So I was wondering does anyone know a work around to this? I've tried removing the tx batteries to trick the tx into controlling a 2nd model while the first is still powered on but with no luck. In practice, it shouldn't be an issue as I sail with a club these days and there are always willing volunteers for a rescue. But the thought did cross my mind that I might have to still keep one boat on a different tx/rx setup if I ever was to sail alone.


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Re: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2022, 01:28:39 pm »

Hi,I thought the same and had similar problems.One possibility may be OpenTX, ´the i6x should be able to run with openTX. Don't ask me how it works but there are sure enough instructions online.
What you can do is running the FS2A  mini 4channel no telemetrie in parallel to the first 4 channels (sticks).
Then the stick channels are active on both receivers, if you use 1+3 for one boat and 2+4 for the other it works.
I'm using this solution to handle the boathouse winch for my tyne lifeboat at the moment, so I just need one remote control for the use of winch and boat.Anyway, it's limited.J
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2022, 03:04:49 pm »

Yes, the FS i6X doesn't allow connection to more than one model at a time.  I can quite see why they do this - if you switch to another model while your first is still "live" you have no control over what happens to that first model.  Some speed controllers can do funny things when they lose the Tx signal, and if your first model suddenly decides to set off at full throttle, there is nothing you can do about it until it punches into the bank (or someone else's boat!).  The consequences of this are even more dire if we are talking model aircraft, which is the market the i6X is aimed at.

The simple solution is to have your rescue craft on a separate transmitter, such as your Planet (assuming you have fixed the glitch).


Mike Fry

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Re: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2022, 08:54:34 pm »

Hello Captain Reg
I have Turnigy  TGY i6, it is the same as FlySky and Rx will work on both. I use two boats all the time, with a Glyn Guest V&W and a I class and two Springers and two more tugs. You have six channels, i use one stick per boat meaning up and down, forwards and backwards and left and right.Bind boat A on the left stick, then bind boat B to the right. It will work, what does not work is three. On the Turmgy Tx you have two rotary controls and more switches. I thought two sticks two boats fine two channels to go then, a Liberty ship a destroyer or two or a fleet tug. No three wont work, it wont work on  Spectrum DX6 ether. One thing is you will need a spring return up and down on both sticks, because it gets interesting. Its your very own steering competition very much so with two Destroyers that look similar fifty feet away.
Good luck...


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Re: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2022, 09:33:45 pm »

Hi Mike,
that's what you can do with the FS2A 4ch receiver and probably every other AFDHS 2A receiver without telemetry as a second one.
Together with the first receiver (which can have telemetry) which can have 6-10 channels the fist 4 on the sticks are parallel, as you write, you can put one boat on the left stick and the other on the right.  All other channels 5-6 or -10 just work with the first receiver (in case it has that many channels).J
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2022, 01:00:52 pm »

Very interesting, thanks all. I've seen OpenTX and will give it a go someday but for now was put off by the possibility of getting into an unrecoverable state with what is currently a brand new transmitter when trying to load it.

To have one boat on each stick, does that have to be with the mini 4 channel receiver you mention or can I use a limited number of channels on the pair of FS-iA6b that I already have?


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Re: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2022, 01:21:01 pm »

Hi,the second (or both) must be a receiver without sending any info back to the remote control. No telemetry control. Two FS-iA6b won't work as they have telemetry control if you need/use or not. The point is, that the first receiver FS-iA6b doesn't know about the second receiver because the communication is only from controller towards FS2a and nothing comes back.
But be aware, the channes you use on the FS2a have the same signal also on the FS-iA2B, just let them unused there.J

Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more

Mike Fry

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Re: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2022, 09:00:42 pm »

Hello chaps
This is getting complex for me now, the orignal idea was to run two models at once. Or have i got this wrong? I run two boats at once, together and at the same time. I would like to run three together the Turnegy i6 wont do it, the Spectrum DX6 and the Futaba EX6 wont comply. But..... i have had a thought two yachts, identical of course now that would be fun and cause lots of collisions.
yours MF..


  • kind of lifeboat nerd .... just kind of ...
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Re: FS i6x pairing to multiple rx
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2022, 11:28:27 am »

Hi Mike,
two models at once no problem, maybe even three or more?  Do I understand right, that you want to have only one gas and one rudder stickmovement for all boats in parallel?
This should  with whatever receiver first and multiple FS2A receivers as second, third, etc. ....  would give at least funny videos...

You should add an automatic distance control in the boats then, I think  {-)
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more
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