Firstly I can't take any credit for this, I bought it part built off live steam enthusiast that had run out of inspiration to finish it. I did some minor work to it and Woz 3D printed me a lift fan. Sadly this was where the project stalled.
That is till a chap called Dave in Dover offered to finish her for me.
Scale is roughly 1:12, it's a big beast over a meter long. I'm taking delivery next week all being well so I'll get some more footage then.
Some pictures of how she's progressed.
As I bought her:
To this:
I picked it up from Dover and got it home with the help of HS1 and virgin trains (had afew intresting looks carrying it from St Pancras to Euston and through Manchester!). First test showed the lift fan was doing the job and it was hovering well on 3s. The thrust however was lacking, it moved ok on a flat surface but didn't have the omph to make quick course corrections, struggled over rough transitions and didn't respond well to steering. Also I was getting a fair bit of vibration through the coupler (which was solid) and the drive shaft.
First item on the agenda was a new thrust motor as the existing one couldn't updated to 3s. Whilst I was at it I figured I would get bigger lift motor. Mated to these are two 80a fan cooled esc.
New vs old.
Yet to run it for any length of time so we will see how run times are. Currently using 2 3s 5ah lipos, one for lift and one for thrust. Should the lift motor be drain the battery too quickly I have another pack which I can add to bring it upto 10ah.
Here's a quick video of it with new motive power
I stripped out the old drive shaft and coupler and got a new one made to the correct size. Using the solid coupler to get the alignment right before I glued everything in, then using a a coupler with a rubber insert to reduce vibration.
New lift motor installed
As she's stands now
Unfortunately I'm still a "xxxxx" poor pilot and had a little accident involving going sideways into next doors car :(
But she's now back together and ready for an inaugural trip on the lake.