Mr. Clegg, please pardon me for dropping in your mailbox uninvited.
I apologise for dropping in out of the blue, but I've just spent another night puking gallons of red stuff down the bog. And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I tuned into Mayhem a few moments ago and found the announcement that you are leaving.
Now before you wrap my knuckles, I make no apologies for the expletives, for that's how it feels.
I really have no intention of prying into your private affairs, and your reason for leaving is one that only you alone should know. But I can't help feeling that this is a sad day for Mayhemkind.
I don't know you personally, of course, but I've come to know at least SOMETHING about you. For instance, I know that your name is Tom, I know that you are colour blind and I know that you served King and country for a Godly few years. I also know that you are an engineer (ENGINEER, dammit!) - not to mention that cracking sense of humour of yourn. I follow your post with interest because you are one of the rare few with genuine integrity.
Like I said, your reason for deciding to pull the plug is absolutely none of my business. But can I ask you a question?... Your profile shows that you live in Southport. So does that mean your a bona-fida Scouser? If so, (pardon me if I'm talking out my bum here), but if so, then since when did a Scouser run from anything or anyone? (I'm assuming that someone has got up your nose, maybe?). On the other hand, it's possible that you're pulling the plug for reasons personal.
But do you want to know a little secret?
I was talking with another Mayhem'er just recently. Your name came into the conversation. Now there's no need for name dropping, or to discuss what the conversation was about. But it's only fair you should know that that particular member regards you highly as a genuine and decent bloke. And I think that goes for just about everyone else on the forum, too.
Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the impression that you are a tad older than me? For what it's worth, I always look up to my elders - especially people like yourself. And if you really are leaving, then who else is there to keep bozos like me on the straight and narrow?
I had every intention of sending this to your personal mailbox, but it just dawned on me that you may have gone zippo already. So forgive me for broadcasting this on the open pages.
For what it's worth, whatever final decision is, you will still be respected.
I have to go, because I have a date with the bathroom.
In the meantime, I want to say thank you for all your contributions... all 238 of them.