A cigar is like a well-aged Whiskey. It`s not even a drink, it`s a lifestyle. A good (and I really mean GOOD) cigar means, time for yourself, to lean back, time for pleasure, for taste. A ceremony to prepare her, then light her. Enjoy the different tastes she produces by being smoked cool, mild or hot. There is a cigar shop here in my town, where they are kept in certain humidity and temperature. Some pensioneers come in once or twice a week, get their cigar and sit down in a special room by having it with a cup of coffee, tea or a cognac.
A cigar is a pleasure, not for every day. It is like sitting on an island of taste and harmony. You`ll never really enjoy a cigar, when you are in anger. Same does a pipe.
Was it out of any explanation for a non-smoker?