The ft/lbs rating was introduced many years ago and actually represents the enegy dispelled in firing the weapon, wheras muzzle velocity measures the speed of an individual projectile. The muzzle velocity measures the speed of the pellet as it leaves the barrel in feet per second (770 being good for those near the 12 ft/lb limit).
This muzzle velocity is flawed in so much as the important speed is generally that uopn reaching the target, which varies considerably on may factors, including wind and distance.
One foot pound is equivalent to dropping a 1ilb hammer weight from 1 foot, hence 12 ft/lbs is like dropping a 12 lb weight from 12 feet. It would bloody hurt if landing on your head.
I have managed to dig up some conversion factors for you..
To convert from foot-pounds to:
Btu, multiply by .001286.
ergs, multiply by 1.356E+07.
gram-calories, multiply by .3238.
hp-hrs, multiply by 5.05E-07.
joules, multiply by 1.356.
I believe ft/lbs was introduced as a much more simple way of putting in place legislation.......
Boy thats nough seriousness for one day