Hi all, just a few pics of my 17 inch swordsman as far as it has progressed. Its built using a George Turner hull & a scaled down set of drawings from the model boats free plan. I was at a show & saw the hulls for sale & knew i had the plan somewhere, so I thought it a good opportunity to get acquainted with brushless motors on the cheap. i made the whole top removable in one piece, as on the larger swordsman models, to allow plenty of room to move things about as i guessed(correctly as it happens) that there would be lots of experimenting. it was first tried with a 1200kva outrunner that I scrounged from a friend who into electric flight, 6 ancient nimh cells from my car racing days & a 35 amp esc.
First run was disappointing, although proved the boat worked OK. Currently theres a 2800kva outrunner in it ( scrounged from the same source) this gives a much better speed, but the bec on the controller cuts off after 4 mins running. So theres some work to do yet, however its been shelved for a while while i work on another project, but i will return to it as soon as I can.
Cheers Glenn.