I suspect this may turn into a build thread, but no doubt Martin will move it if he thinks fit.
If you leave the washer out, hama, check the back bearing after a few runs just to see if there are any signs of wear -plastic to plastic at 20k rpm might be interesting, if they do touch.
I'm getting nearer mounting the jet body in what may be a rather unsuitable hull - so I'll post pictures of that later when I've made it look prettier. In the meantime, here are some pictures showing how I am mounting the motor on the unit. The mounting holes on the motor and the jet unit did not line up at all, and if I'd cut the jet body for the screw heads I'd have taken a lot of strength out of it. So i've made up some hooks to hook into the front mounting holes and pulled the motor onto them from the back. I had to locate the front of the motor as it didn't have a boss around the shaft to fit the hole in the jet, so I cut a ring out of 40 thou plasticard to fit the motor and match the od of the motor mount. I hope I've got it all concentric.
The other plasticard rings are to go on the after spigot of the jet body , on the outside of the transom. The spigot enters 1mm into the outlet pipe. As built there is about 4mm allowance for a transom, whereas mine is only about 1mm thick. I'd thought of cutting the spigot down, but that would move the rear bearing in the outlet, and hence the impellor, about 2mm forward. Looking at the impellor in place it maintains the best tip to body clearance if left as designed, so I decided to add wshers on the transom to make it all fit snugly. In the event I needed one 1mm and one 0.5mm plasticard washer. I hope to make some stabilit express or equivalent up tonight and put the jet body in the hull.