The event officially starts at 10am in the morning, but I' will be there from about 9.00am both days, as some people turn up early, and I have to set up the road signs, tables and chairs etc. We finish up at about 4pm.
I do recommend people bring a hat and suncream or some sort of shade. The slightest bit of sunshine and it soon warms up poolside, and you will catch the sun.
Also please try to be considerate of others when parking. We have space for quite a number of cars, but please park in a compact fashion so that everyone can get in. There is some free parking out on the road if we get inundated!
Regarding David's question, modern submarines do not crash dive. They have no need to, unlike earlier submarines, and take several minutes to reached submerged trim. The vents are underneath the hull, and on the Vanguard class, you also have a large vent for the upper casing that runs about half the length of the boat.