Well chaps, I thought it was a good show, a little down on numbers on the Friday, missed our little chat Mike, did not much time to take pics, was having a quick chat with a few chaps (and Bill 203 got me a tea no less) A lot of boats there, another couple of years and we will take over...not sure about AT boat yards new straight runner though.........
Good bits..... AT boat yard....a constant supply of cake, and to Debs-----my darling the best bread pudding ever (oh how muck I had)
Chatting with fellow model boat clubs and how many more will turn up for Mayhem this year
George (who hates being called Georgia, Georgina etc) who is a great sales person, she sold me some hand made cards, pinched my club badge, and went on to try and sell my entire stand (when seen at Mayhem this year...avoid....she is so good she will sell you back your own boat)
Oh and Stephs Boatnow has its undercoat on, nearly ready for the water
BAD Bits.... Bloomin cold on the Friday due to the heating having a small breakdown, still fixed for the rest of the wekend, and even the snow didn't stop the visititors arriving Sunday.
Overall a good show but lacking a little of the traders.
Sorry to all to tried to have a chat....I must have had a sore throat and was being a little quiet........
yeah really