I have the actual page, its 127 years old, here's the important info. "the principle feature in their design is the inclination of the engines, which there are four in number (This is referring to the number of cylinders) high, medium and two low pressure - over hanging to port and starboard, the low pressure engines are the after most. --- when one piston is at the top of its stroke the other is at the bottom. The foremeost couple of course give twice the power given by the after couple and exert their turning moment on the crankshaft at right angles to that of the latter. (This was done to stop vibration) The dia of the cylinders are as follows HP 19inches, MP 27inches, two LP at 27 inches each with 16 inch stroke. There were two condensers each of 2100 sq feet. The crank shaft is of steel, 6 3/4 inches dia at the journals and 7 1/2 inches day at the pins. The connecting rods are hollow steel. The cylinders are cast iron bolted together. Hope this helps, there is more, but my typing speed is not that great, so you have the most important info, thank you for your interest.