Black Park Club -



A few words about The Black Park Club.... We have 55 paid up members and meet at Black Park, Iver. on Thursday afternoons and Sunday mornings. We do not race but have a very wide selection of boats on display, specially on Sunday mornings. Usually there are a good selection of subs. and very fast motor boats to be seen, along with novelty boats ie my row boat, rear and side paddle steamers, hovercraft, tugs and war ships. One of our members, Guy Bagley, who has  several of his vessels on this site already, is Chief model maker at Legoland  and is often seen sailing his large boat 'Brixa' made entirely from Lego bricks on the lake. The public are very welcome at all times to watch and sail there own boats. Sailing is free to anybody at any time of the week.

For more info click over to -

Frank Hollis. Chair. BPMBC