Mess Deck: General Section > Other Hobbies and Interests

Help .( Photos on Forum)

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I joined model boat mayhem in January 2006 and been trying to send photos of my five foot steam tug.I am new to computers but i have downloaded HOW TO SEND YOUR PHOTOS but  it will not work.  ??? I sent photos to martin he sad they  arrived OK. what am i dong wrong .  Ready to chuck the lot in and take up drinking .    Dougmaz  N.S.W. oze.

If you click on Additional Options you should see a screen like the one below. Click on the Browse... box and navigate your way to where your photo is stored on your computer. Click on the image and the file name will appear in the Attach: box. You are now ready to send your photo.

Good luck


I think its to do with this standing upside down thing. cbr900 used to suffer the same but he eventually became acclimatised. Its an Oz thing. ::)

Richard ;)

Could be right, Richard, but is he a REAL Aussie. Most of the ones I've met have never needed an excuse for drinking!

Thanks Rick.  I think my photos are to big its telling me to resize.All photos are  mixed up like a dogs dinner i must try to file them. Wish i could under stand this PC. I will send this first then try photos.cheers Dougmaz. ::)


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