Toesup boat werks update...
Its a long one, sorry...
You had better remove ALL liquid refreshments and foodstuffs from mouth before reading further, we hold no responsibility for aspirating viewers of this post
Project ZNo one seemed to notice on my previous posted picture, the Knees (Elbows) are on the wrong end.. Actually, they are on the right end for this Springer from the toesup boat werks..
The toesup boat werks is proud to announce the construction of the worlds first Regnirps class, a backwards Springer.. It is to be of a modern Z Tech type.
Project 'Z' now has a name.... and shall be known as
'Douglas Corrigan'... or '
WW' for short.
Project SThe toesup boat werks design department has been working overtime to overcome the diving tendancies of the Springer.. this time i think we will make use of these 'traits' and use them to our advantage.
The toesup boat werks is proud to release information on its NEW S class Springer... 'S' for Submarine..
So, this is to be a
Please welcome the
SSS Red Oktober...
At this point you are all going to be thinking...