Had to wait a good while to get the topcoat spraying done.
Got it done eventually though.
Then it was onto the bridge window "glass" - this was a strip of coloured packaging that I'd saved years ago and knew it would come in handy one day - so this was cut to size and glued in place with "Formula 560" canopy glue.
I've had this bottle for 15 years now and it still does the job, doesn't craze and dries clear - lovely stuff.
The nav light apertures were masked off and painted black.
When dry the Port & Stbd lamps were glued in place. Also, now that the bridge windows have been installed, the bridge roof cap was glued in place, along with the fwd gun director.
Then came the ships boats.
The captain's motor launch was tackled first.
Glued 4 pieces of 10mm square balsa together, pencilled in the shape of the boat and sanded to shape. Used 1mm plasticard for the after keel section, with fixed kort from round tube.
Made up the wheelhouse/cabin from another section of 10mm x 10mm balsa.
The whaler for the stbd side was made in a similar fashion.
The resultant hulls were then given a coat of sanding sealer and, when dry, this was sanded smooth ready for painting.
The 2 boats were then painted and little bits added: tinted windows on the launch and split pins for the lifting / lowering eyes.
The whaler was given a couple of athwartships seats and the split pin eyes.
The boat chocks were then added to the davits, along with the rigging ropes, which have been given a good pull through the saddle soap.
The liferaft cannisters were made up and painted. It took a few attempts to get the straps and central rubber seals looking straight, but we more or less got there in the end.
The funnel was masked off for black topping, indication worn by Sqn Ldr - in this instance "Leader 7th Frigate Squadron".
I had not thought of doing this earlier in the build. A pity really, as this would have saved me a real headache in the masking up dept (see photo). Absolutely every part of the superstructure had to be masked off to get this one little job done
Used a combination of cereal packet card, newspaper and tape to achieve this.
While this was drying off, the portholes were filled with the canopy glue and left to dry - result, clear glazing.
The liferaft cannisters were glued in place (epoxy ), portholes glued in place (cyano).
BECC numeral "7" added each side of the funnel, denoting 7th frigate sqn.
The 9 vertical aerials were given a couple of coats of white paint which seemed, to me, to bring the model to life...used bits of printer paper to mask off the aerial bases as these were to remain grey, apart from the one on the main gun.
Selected a length of cordage to represent halyards.
This was pulled through saddle soap, twisting at the same time to ensure the whole length was well covered.
More to follow.......