Morning All
The plan is to build / develop a water skier for my Riva Aquarama currently in build, I'm keeping this thread separate to the main log.
So the broad outline is 1/10 scale, figure still to be decided but 6 to 7 inches tall, two skis. Second stage is to make it steerable...
I've build one model skier in the past, its been running on and off for about 15 years, built around the Pink Panther figure from a happy meal... I'm the first to admit it's pretty crude. Last summer I played around with making it steerable, with promising results, so now ready to move to a new ski build.
Here's the Panther on the lake:

And on my desk:

I've found there are a few start points to get to a basic running stage:
1. The majority of the towing force is sent straight to the skis, with the line to the handle / figure just there for balance.
2. The ski's have to be a little wider apart than strict scale and held in position. I've used piano wire.
3. The ski's run parallel, but have to have a slight 'angle in', so they don't run flat. This seems to add stability.
4. The skier has to be balanced when stationary in the water so is in the correct start position to be pulled out of the water. So this means balanced on three points, that's the two skis, and the figure. The ski's are weighted / balanced so that the tips just clear the water at rest. The ski's are plywood, with brass fins, and brass plates at the tail end to get the balance right. The figure weighted / balanced with a buoyant lifejacket so at rest the head and part of the lifejacket clear the water..
5. The ski's are slightly longer and wider (+15%) than full size so they can operate at more scale like speed. (Slower)
6. CoG has to be low...
This pic shows the tow line adjusted to give a good running attitude for the skier:

Result is it's pretty reliable when running, pulls out of the water from rest without problems. Just have to keep an eye where the ducks are so I don't decapitate them...
All I have for the new build is this at the moment:

But if there's interest I'll keep posting as new build progresses. Regarding the steering... I tested the pink Panther by running two thin fishing lines down the main tow line, one connected to each ski, and in the boat, connected to a dual sided servo arm. This resulted in the Panther changing its angle relative to the boat, but only a little movement from being central to the boats wake. I added a couple of small fins to the inner edge of the front portion of the skis, this did make a difference. The Panther was indeed sliding left and right of the centre of the boat wake. Maybe pivoting the skis along their length for be best approach to change direction. BTW. the white cord above is the braided type with a centre set of filaments. I'm thinking that I replace the centre filaments with the two runs of fishing line to keep them hidden...
Would be great to hear from anyone else who's tried and succeeded, or failed...
Aquarama build log is here:
[size=78%],64276.0.html[/size]Best regards