Model Boat Mayhem

Technical, Techniques, Hints, and Tips => Radio Equipment => Topic started by: exvtop on May 17, 2010, 10:37:23 pm

Title: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: exvtop on May 17, 2010, 10:37:23 pm
Until a couple of years ago Futaba seemed to be far and away the most popular radio system in our club - many having given years of reliable service.
However, I don’t recall anyone buying a new Futaba system recently.
Plenty of new radio systems HAVE been bought but they have been Spektrum or one of the budget 2.4Ghz models - Planet T5 especially.
I can maybe see a reason to buy Futaba with it’s reputation for reliability and after-sales service for certain aircraft and helicopters and maybe high speed boats, but for general purpose model boating have they had their day?
What do you think?
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: andyn on May 17, 2010, 11:14:25 pm
Futaba has a good reputation yes, but seeing as Rip(off)max are the distributors everything more expensive than all the other radio sets...

Futaba's 6EX can't even be compared to the Spekky Dx6i, they're in totally different leagues. The Spekky is easier to use, far more comfortable, more programmable and far more radio for £60 less. When you then start looking at the 7Cap and the DX7, it's not even worth looking at the Futaba. I await the soon to be released DX10 aswell, plus you can get a JR DSX12 built by Spektrum that'll run rings round the 12FG or 12Z.

On the budget side of things, £25 for a Tx and £10 for more Rx's you can't go wrong...
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: Robert Davies on May 18, 2010, 03:37:50 am

Q Does anyone still buy Futaba?

A Can't afford to.

My personal opinion is that I don't rate the construction values of current Futaba gear. Spektrum have them pretty much beaten for price and support in the UK. For pretty much any kind of model boating (EXCEPT sub surface craft) the Chinese 2.4ghz gear is really VERY, very good, and dirt cheap too - it breaks? buy another! it's cheaper than having it fixed.

I reiterate - All the above are my personal opinions.

My current radio gear? A high end Robbe Futaba FC-18v3 front end, with a Chinese FrSky 2.4ghz backend + receiver system.

My current philosophy = buy the high end 'classic' Futaba FM gear cheap because everyone's heading to 2.4ghz, and convert it to 2.4ghz myself - My FC-18 cost me 120ukp as it stands, converted to 2.4ghz.

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: HS93 (RIP) on May 18, 2010, 05:19:20 am
Spectrum have only recently made a system they say is suitable for boats, all there old systems where not recommended by THEM for water craft, they have also had more recalls than Toyota look on there web site. the lower end futaba sets are not built as well as there high end plane units and are not that easy to program but still better in my view than Spectrum's. have a look about Futaba prices seem to be dropping for the 6ex 2.4 sets, I would not consider these days buying a new 27/40 mhz sets these days with the number of RTR boats/toys about (cars etc). the chepo 2.4 sets  are fine if you just want a cheap radio with cheap receivers

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: Bunkerbarge on May 18, 2010, 07:13:06 am
The only alternative consideration would seem to come from the submarine guys who cannot, as yet, enjoy the benefits of a 2.4 system.  

The Futaba "Navy" range still takes a lot to improve on and if you take advantage of the add on modules for additional functionality they simply can't be beaten for amount of gear you can operate but you need to take out a mortgage to put one together and the reception would seem to be still not quite as good as a basic 2.4 set.  I'm sure there are stories to the contrary out there but in my own basic "walking up the road" tests my Spektrum was far more consistent and reliable than my F-14.  I had to use my mobile phone to communicate with the wife when I did this with the Spektrum!! {-)
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: barryfoote on May 18, 2010, 07:50:33 am
I do hope the manufacturers of Futaba are watching this! They need to learn....
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: 6705russell on May 18, 2010, 09:46:38 am
I use a Futaba T9CP which has a converted Jeti Duplex 2.4ghz set-up, i have bought used and sold a DX6i as with a DX5e and still favour my Futaba, i can see whats going on inside the boat with the servos, batteries and motor characteristics....

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: HS93 (RIP) on May 18, 2010, 10:00:06 am
I use a Futaba T9CP which has a converted Jeti Duplex 2.4ghz set-up, i have bought used and sold a DX6i as with a DX5e and still favour my Futaba, i can see whats going on inside the boat with the servos, batteries and motor characteristics....


I have done the same used Jeti with a 9c and it is light years ahead , not the cheapest but in a few years the othere's will follow there lead.

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: FullLeatherJacket on May 18, 2010, 10:23:20 am
I do hope the manufacturers of Futaba are watching this! They need to learn....
They know already, Barry. For every one set they sell for a boat they can sell a thousand sets for aircraft and anothetr thousand for cars, so why should they bother setting up a special line for a "minority interest"?
However much we might think we're a special case, we're insignificant in the greater business context.
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: jonny shoreboy on May 18, 2010, 11:07:00 am
For my model nitro cars I would always upgrade to a Futaba set because they were/are so reliable. Yes they were more expensive but were worth the money for the simpler 2 channel sets over the stock sets some companies supplied with their kits. BUT crystals were annoying.

So when I got into Heli's I moved over to 2.4's and Spektrums. They were a bit cheaper than the Futabas and had had some good reviews. So I went for one and I really liked it.

Now that I have moved onto boats the choice in radios for me was simple. I went for the Spektrum DX5 and when I needed to remove the ratchet on the throttle side a simple phone call to the UK distributors and a set of springs was posted out for free. Great service.

So have Futaba had their day? Well, they are tried and tested and are definitely good radio sets. But for me and I guess most hobbyists I am looking for a good price these days so with that in mind my days of buying Futaba are over until the release a budget 2.4ghz set. But have they had their day? I would say no. Far from it.
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: jabba on May 18, 2010, 11:25:44 am
hi guys
i use spectrum dx7 awsome set,
the reason i picked this set over a futaba 6ex 2.4ghz is the futaba 6ex 2.4ghz has no sub trim,
and horizon hobby have a great after sales service.
like above post i rang horizon for a centering throttle spring,
they sent me one within 2 ov charge.
 exellent service.
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: vintagent on May 18, 2010, 11:34:49 am
I really don't know what all this R/C business is about.
I have a MacGregor Digimac and a Mini-Hex from the 70s and a couple of Acoms or Hi-tech or whatever they're called. They all work just fine. I'm not into lights, horns, rotating washing lines and all the rest,I only want left, right, go, stop. So am I OK just using my 27 Meg (which was all I even knew about till coming on here!) on my local river. I don't have a club, just local waters in bow and arrow country.

Actually it's all the same if I ain't, since I will not be replacing what already works, though it must be said the new stuff  is so very cheap compared with when my earlier stuff was bought.  presumably because it's made in the east.

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: andyn on May 18, 2010, 11:42:14 am
Spectrum have only recently made a system they say is suitable for boats

Maybe so but I've been using Spektrum in fast IC boats for two years.
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: barryfoote on May 18, 2010, 12:00:48 pm
They know already, Barry. For every one set they sell for a boat they can sell a thousand sets for aircraft and anothetr thousand for cars, so why should they bother setting up a special line for a "minority interest"?
However much we might think we're a special case, we're insignificant in the greater business context.

Very sad, but true Dave.  <:( <:( <:(
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: PMK on May 18, 2010, 12:22:14 pm why should they bother setting up a special line for a "minority interest"?

Apart from, say, an LCD, a possible rotary encoder, a couple of gimbals, a handful of toggle switches and rotary pots, what else would you need to come up with the ultimate R/C transmitter, designed specifically with model boats in mind?
You supply the 40-pin PIC (SMD flavour, pse) and I'll tell you of a bloke who happens to have the means to program the chip to specification. %)
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: malcolmfrary on May 18, 2010, 01:31:36 pm
I really don't know what all this R/C business is about.
I have a MacGregor Digimac and a Mini-Hex from the 70s and a couple of Acoms or Hi-tech or whatever they're called. They all work just fine. I'm not into lights, horns, rotating washing lines and all the rest,I only want left, right, go, stop. So am I OK just using my 27 Meg (which was all I even knew about till coming on here!) on my local river. I don't have a club, just local waters in bow and arrow country.

Actually it's all the same if I ain't, since I will not be replacing what already works, though it must be said the new stuff  is so very cheap compared with when my earlier stuff was bought.  presumably because it's made in the east.

Quite right.  If it an't broken, don't try to fix it.  The only quibble is that this gear dates from the 25K channel separation days, and MIGHT suffer from co-channel interference.  Or not, if there is no-one else around using 27MHz.
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: FullLeatherJacket on May 18, 2010, 01:44:21 pm
I'll tell you of a bloke who happens to have the means to program the chip to specification. %)
Now, now - you'll wear it out, you know.  8)
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: Circlip on May 18, 2010, 03:25:40 pm
So am I OK just using my 27 Meg (which was all I even knew about till coming on here!)

  Yep Vintagent, an if yer want to stick it in a plane without having to change Freqs you can do that an all.

  Regards  Ian. ( Dedicated Remcon Quantum and Sanwa Mini Two driver)
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: vintagent on May 18, 2010, 04:47:52 pm
Circlip, I thought planes mustn't have 27?  I thought that was ground stuff only. No way I'd want to risk an airyplane. Too much to lose.
I did fly once, just once!  And brought it safely home. next time I tried it ended up in the vegetable bin and like a complete klutz I let the Skyleader system go with it, also only 2 function.

Strictly water only now and even then only occasionally.
I still don't understand why you'd want to programme a transmitter.

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: andyn on May 18, 2010, 05:25:17 pm
27mhz is perfectly legal for aircraft use.
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: malcolmfrary on May 18, 2010, 05:56:53 pm
27mhz is perfectly legal for aircraft use.
It might just not be sensible.  There is a big difference between the two.  If you don't believe it, have a look at decisions handed down by judges.
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: vintagent on May 18, 2010, 07:04:56 pm
I thought aircraft had been given 35 in order to stop inteference between disciplines.
I'm amazed that both still use it!

But where I am likely to sail, there wouldn't be anyone else, because it's really nice and I ain't telling 'em!

Regards, Vintagent
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: Circlip on May 18, 2010, 07:17:02 pm
All modes, 27 moggies AM  27moggies is safe perviding you fly the right flag and don't fly an aircraft (Seaplane) on the local park lake

 Aircraft ONLY, 35 moggies FM

 Surface and Boats, ONLY 35 moggies FM

 Whatever you brung 2.4 Giggles.

  Regards  Ian
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: andyn on May 18, 2010, 09:26:33 pm
Surface and Boats, ONLY 35 moggies FM

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: exvtop on May 18, 2010, 09:26:52 pm
Surface and boats only - 40Mhz FM (or AM)
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: vintagent on May 19, 2010, 10:25:04 am
Yes, Circlip, you confused me there, did you mean surface and boats-40 moggies?

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: Arrow5 on May 19, 2010, 10:38:01 am
35mHz is NOT for surface use. >>:-( <*<
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: Circlip on May 19, 2010, 12:36:33 pm
SORRY GUYS, PLEASE kick it  ;D  Trying to multi task, read, think and type all at once.

  Yes, 35 Moggies was, is and forever more will be AIRCRAFT ONLY

  40 Moggies Surface and Toy Boats ONLY

  Regards Ian.
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: The long Build on May 19, 2010, 01:08:05 pm
So how is a flying boat plane defined , eg Shorts Sunderland..  %%
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: andyn on May 19, 2010, 01:23:22 pm
Flying boats are for 35 moggies or 2.4 giggling moggies
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: The long Build on May 19, 2010, 01:25:14 pm
Flying boats are for 35 moggies or 2.4 giggling moggies

Just as I thought , have now found a use for my Futaba 7 channel 35mhz..
Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: Colin Bishop on May 19, 2010, 01:46:26 pm
The difference in full size is that seaplanes have floats while flying boats land on their hulls and the floats are stabilisers.

As far as models are concerned the distinction is between 'surface' and 'air' so if you were to make a model Sunderland that is only capable of swanning around on a pond and cannot become airborne it must be treated as a surface model - 40 moggies. If it can take off then it would be treated as a plane - 35 moggies. Just because it takes off from water rather than land doesn't make it any less of a plane.

35 moggies was introduced to reduce the likelihood of interference from other types of R/C model and hence the likelihood of innocent members of the public being decapitated by out of control high powered flying objects. Just common sense really.

Title: Re: Does anyone still buy Futaba?
Post by: Circlip on May 19, 2010, 04:47:20 pm
Yep, and someone arsked "What about Hovercraft??"   O0

  Regards  Ian.

  Just remembered, in the early days of the 35Moggy saga, Hitec came out with a 35Mog AM set. O0