Model Boat Mayhem

Technical, Techniques, Hints, and Tips => Radio Equipment => Topic started by: Paragon on May 06, 2015, 11:17:10 pm

Title: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 06, 2015, 11:17:10 pm
hi all , I'm on the market for new radio gear and I'm just wondering has anyone any recommendations?
At the moment I'm using 40mhz JR McGreagor 4 channel that my dad bought me over 20 years ago . I have to say its hasn't missed a beat in all that time but it's time to change .
Is there anything similar on the market today ? And what sort of money would it be now .


Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: McGherkin on May 07, 2015, 12:47:35 am
If you fancy it, the Turnigy 9x is full of advantages.

2.4ghz, range is great and very little risk of interference (no more pegs!)
The ability to do various mixes and program in all sorts of things if you're willing to put the time in.
8 channels
Endlessly modifiable (can fit backlights, different radio modules, telemetry, custom software and so on)

All for between 40 and 50 pounds, including the receiver.
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 07, 2015, 08:02:15 am
Thanks for the reply !!
I'll have to look that set up when I get home . Seems to have a lot to it for a very reasonable price. .
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: sparkey on May 07, 2015, 08:30:36 am
 :-)) I have two of the Turnigy 9x which I bought about 2 years ago,they are the best radio's I have had yet faultless,I have fitted the back lights for night sailing bit fiddly but worth it takes about 15-20 mins to do,for the  price you can't go wrong and I have used nearly every make of 2.4g there is and this rates as good as the best,Oh and I don't work for them,Ray. :-))   
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 07, 2015, 09:45:19 am
Have to say it again sounds really good for the price . Can't remember for sure but I think the JR McGreagor set I have was over £200 back in the 1980s when I was bought it . I was thinking JR again as that set lasted so long , but for that price the Turnigy set would be worth a go !!

Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 07, 2015, 10:01:44 am
Been online having a look at the Turnigy set . Looks the part !! £40 without the servos , and what a selection of servos you can get now . My head will be pickled working out which servo will do my job !! Lol
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Calimero on May 07, 2015, 10:51:33 am
Keep in mind that the Turnigy 9X, 9XR don't come with the RF module which has to be purchased separately.

But overall still a nice deal. And OpenTX is just the way to go.
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 07, 2015, 11:01:24 am
Please excuse my ignorance , but what is an RF module ? It been a while since I needed to research this stuff !! lol
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: jarvo on May 07, 2015, 11:09:02 am
Small box that clips on the back of the tranny, it sorts which frequency you opperate on,
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: sparkey on May 07, 2015, 11:12:01 am
 :-)) You can buy Tx with RF module and Rx just look on the web,Hobby King do them complete from their UK warehouse,Ray. :-))   
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 07, 2015, 11:20:31 am
Thanks Jarvo & Ray  ! Best to look for the whole package really RF module and servos included . Can't see me needing any special ones as I haven't need them up to now .
2.4ghz stuff is all new to me ! But I'm looking forward to finding out more about it .
Any help from you Guys is greatly appreciated !!

Thanks John
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paul Swainson on May 07, 2015, 11:35:11 am
I too find it very difficult to find a reasonable TX and RX unit.  What is the difference between a unit for airplanes and boats?  What is mode 2 and what should you really look for to ensure you have the correct unit for boats and will not cause trouble with people with airplanes in the 2.4 range.  What is ment by Helicopter control units on 2.4 ghz? At the moment I am using a Saturn 4 channel.  Paul %)   
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: jarvo on May 07, 2015, 11:35:41 am
HI John

When i switched to 2.4ghz i started with Radio Link gear, bog basic, no mixers but recievers are £15, its about £30 of ebay, direct from the manufacturer, have now up-graded to Futaba T6J, more expensive but more features and model memory, but recievers are £35, what do you need? and where do you think you will expand to????? although cheep i wish i had spent the money on my Futaba gear first time round.

Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: jarvo on May 07, 2015, 11:47:46 am
HI Paul

There is no difference between Air and Boat, air range is out of sight a good mile or so, boat range (not submarine) is at least 1/2 mile with a well mounted antenna.

Mode 1 and 2 are right hand stick trottle and left stick respectivley, most tranies allow throttle change over, its just a small ratchet moved from one stick to the other.

Dont worry about interferance, thats the point with 2.4ghz, they hop frequencies and avoid each other, not like 27, 35, or 40mhz, held to the same channel by crystal control. At my club we can have 20 - 30 members sailing with no problem.

Your Saturn 4 is similar to my Radio Link. Lot of our guys have them, no problem with interferance, would say that the more expencive sets are more advanced that the simple sets, some onlt hop over 2 frequencies, Futaba etc hop over dozens, but this is done in micro seconds.

Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: mrturbo553 on May 07, 2015, 11:50:51 am
The 9xr pro already comes with the back light , it looks like to me that Hk are phasing the 9xr towards the pro . I emailed them regarding converting the mode 2 to centre stick ( if you understand) the reply wasn't very helpful tbh . The gimbals are in stock in the states at about £4 for the 9xr which I would hope to fit the pro . The orange dsm2 modules are no longer listed which I find very strange .
These have them in stock and he's brilliant for customer service (
Hope this helps Aid
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: jarvo on May 07, 2015, 11:58:36 am
Hi Aid

Just converted my Futaba T6J to center stick, simple screw and spring.

Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: mrturbo553 on May 07, 2015, 12:11:56 pm
Hi Aid

Just converted my Futaba T6J to center stick, simple screw and spring.

Mark I converted both my spektrum dx6i and my t5 cheapo tx to centre stick but I just ordered the arm kits for them when I bought them new . I fancy a turnigy 9xr pro , for more channels and obviously the plane lads just have forward throttle generally . The only way I can see of doing the 9xr is to order a mode 1 left hand gimbal and either hope it fits or remove the gubins off it . At four squids it not really going to break the bank
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: essex2visuvesi on May 07, 2015, 02:16:16 pm
The orange transmitter is very good too.
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: McGherkin on May 07, 2015, 02:21:14 pm
I'll post a link up in a bit for a second spring set for the Turnigy 9x which gives you twin sprung sticks. It's some RC tank battle website in australia if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 07, 2015, 03:03:43 pm
Is this another think I need to lookout for with these new sets ? Does the throttle stick only have forward , no reverse ?
Might just get new batteries for the JR 40 MHz stuff !!! Lol
Heads going to be turned trying to order this of the Internet !!
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: mrturbo553 on May 07, 2015, 03:29:15 pm
Is this another think I need to lookout for with these new sets ? Does the throttle stick only have forward , no reverse ?
Might just get new batteries for the JR 40 MHz stuff !!! Lol
Heads going to be turned trying to order this of the Internet !!
Paragon have a quick read of this link it might explain about the left hand stick (mode 2)

The tx is a planet t5 bread and butter no frills affair . I then swapped to a dx6i for the memory and it would support the cheap orange dsm2 receiver . Now run out of channels and fancy a turnigy 9xr pro
As they say you pays your money and .....

Ps e2v Orange ?? Shakes head , it just looks all wrong !!
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Stavros on May 07, 2015, 04:20:26 pm
John if you want a basisc set then simply get a Planet T5 set this is simple to use and really works well give Mark a ring at A Model World and he will see you right Around £50 01606891999
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: McGherkin on May 07, 2015, 05:55:14 pm
I'll post a link up in a bit for a second spring set for the Turnigy 9x which gives you twin sprung sticks. It's some RC tank battle website in australia if I remember correctly.

I wasn't lying!
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: mrturbo553 on May 07, 2015, 07:36:44 pm
I wasn't lying! (
Thanks for the link , I'll look in to it
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Danny on May 07, 2015, 08:32:06 pm
John,  have a look at a Radiolink system from Howes.
I've been using Futaba F7C for years (originally nearly £300) and extra receivers for £70!
The lcd screen eventually gave up the ghost so I bought the Radiolink 6 channel set as I have got used to setting everything up on the tranny (lazy, I know!) (

For what you get, the price is ridiculous!  It does what the Futaba did for a fraction of the price.  The set actually has 9 model memories (not 6 as advertised), comes as mode 2 but can be switched to right throttle, easy change to forward /reverse sprung throttle with the additional bits on the Howes page.

It is so good that I've just got the bog standard 4 channel non-computerised set for basic controls (this comes with the 6 channel rx for £30 and is actually a 6 channel tx !!!).  Extra rx's are £15 and are better than Futaba as they have end servo sockets so easier to balloon up the rx.

Range is good with both.  I don't know how they make them for that price  :-))

No connection with Howes or Radiolink, just a satisfied customer.

Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: malcolmfrary on May 07, 2015, 09:29:22 pm
Is this another think I need to lookout for with these new sets ? Does the throttle stick only have forward , no reverse ?
Might just get new batteries for the JR 40 MHz stuff !!! Lol
Heads going to be turned trying to order this of the Internet !!
Whatever the set, the throttle stick just adjusts a variable resistor to vary the signal within limits.  Reverse happens, or doesn't, depending on what the speed control plugged into the RX is designed to do with that signal.
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 07, 2015, 10:11:58 pm
Guys thanks for all the replies !! I'm going to have a look at the sets you have mentioned over the weekend . I hope you will excuse me if I have anymore silly questions .

Thanks again

Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Stavros on May 07, 2015, 10:59:50 pm
Silly Questions are usually the ones that EVERYONE else is afraid of asking go on no one will laugh..............HONESTLY
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 07, 2015, 11:26:02 pm
Lol been looking at the gear on the Internet and YouTube . Is there anywhere you can just buy the whole package lol Transmitter , receiver , module thing , servos & batteries ??? It's all got very technical!  %%
Maybe should just stick to static models .
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: mrturbo553 on May 07, 2015, 11:34:57 pm
Why don't you pop down to your local club and view members gear ?
If you pop your location on your profile there's probably a helpful chappie nearby that would help
A planet t5 is a good start , either off stavs pal mark or howesmodels , just don't forget to order the arm kit
Aid  :-))
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 08, 2015, 09:24:11 am
Not sure of any local clubs to be honest , I live in Donaghdaee Northern Ireland .
No good model shops near me anymore either .
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: jarvo on May 08, 2015, 09:40:15 am
HI Mate

Most of us are having the same problem, model shops for boats dont make a lot of money, Make a short list of manufacturers you fancy, Planet, Futaba etc, how many channels you want or in the future may need. How much can you afford to pay? Croos of the doughtfull ones this may leave you with 1 or 2, then its down to choice.

Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: mrturbo553 on May 08, 2015, 10:07:00 am
Price is normally the deciding factor but sometimes spending a little more would save you in the long run .
Planet t5 is say 50 with receiver , then buy an extra receiver for another boat is say 15 quid .
But something transmitor wise that would use orange dsm2 receivers they're about 10 pounds each .
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: Paragon on May 08, 2015, 10:26:05 am
To be honest I was expecting to pay at least £200 for a set so I don't mind going that way . These new receivers , do you have to buy same make servos and battery packs for them or are the all interchangeable nowadays ? At the moment I would only need a couple of servos to get my Clyde Puffer into the water .

John .
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: rob on May 08, 2015, 10:35:07 am
If Howes Models have any left, the Spektrum 6i at just over £70 is a good cheap set , orange Rx compatible as well. Must admit I picked one up, so much simpler than my 10t lol.
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: mrturbo553 on May 08, 2015, 10:52:46 am
John you've got a pm  :-))
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: sparkey on May 08, 2015, 11:04:52 am
 :-)) I have still got the spektrum didn't get on with it binding was a pain,used planet up till 2 years ago which was pretty good,the turnigy is the best yet and with the lipo battery pack last for ages used nearly every sunday last year and only charged the once,a lot of the sailing guys used radiolink sets and they seem pretty good,so you pay your money and take your choice,ray. :-))   
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: mrturbo553 on May 29, 2015, 09:13:27 pm
Ray , have you a stand fitted on the back of you 9xr .
The orange module ariel sticks out from the bottom and you can't lay your tx down on its back .
Thanks Aid
Title: Re: New radio gear
Post by: sparkey on May 30, 2015, 06:45:58 am
 ok2 No I have the Turnigy RF 9V2 module which let's you lay it quite flat but the carry handle still leaves it at an angle,Ray. :-)