Model Boat Mayhem
The Shipyard ( Dry Dock ): Builds & Questions => Submarines => Topic started by: Pat-K on January 11, 2025, 10:42:24 am
Wondered if anyone makes such a thing as a Vanguard class radio Controlled submarine and if any are available anywhere - failing a Vanguard Class how about a resolution class boat, not interested in any of the American stuff
Hi Pat
Not sure about a Vanguard but I know this company have a Resolution class (HMS Repulse) in their catalogue. (
- do the vanguard
Where's the fish plates???
Regards Ian.
What are you referring to, Ian?
The big lumps of rusty steel protecting the bomb tubes O0 These are clearly(?) seen on one of the Naval website headers referred to on this site.
Regards Ian.
Those were a later addition, so a detail the modeller can add themselves quite easily with some GRP sheet or equivalent.
Personally I think the boat looks a lot better without them.
Typical afterthought, "What happens if an Alfa fires a fish at us?" DOH! O0
Regards Ian.
Not sure much would stop a torpedo- if you can't evade one of them, you're usually toast in a submarine.
I recall this addition was made a few years ago, I wonder if it was a consequence of the collision incident between HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant back in 2009, as damage to vanguard was in the missile compartment area-
I have to question the assessment that those panels are for protection. A quick look at pictures on Google, ect, show those panels to be overlaid on hull sections that had not tiles on them. As such, I suggest that the panels are an update flank array sonar system. Kinda clunky looking all the same. Not streamlined into the hull so perhaps she is trialing the system.
Well done Akira, a sensible conclusion unlike one above. Hilarious ;D .
Passive Flank Array, standard fit.
I've heard that the OTW kit is excellent.
Hmm, flank array, but why outside the bomb tubes?
Regards Ian
Update, they won't stop fish but will stop RPG's ;)
Regards Ian.