I live out of hotels at the moment for work. Even in the same hotel I'm in a different room with different telly. Being single I hate silence. TV is important for me for news, political shows and general whats happening -I like to be able to listen to R4 through it also. I always:
Step zero: If it has Netflix, press the button and see how many folk didn't log-out! I've rifled through so many folks netflix programmes and collections it's unreal. Unfortunately literally everyone so far watches dire and complete and utter rubbish -particularly the ladies names!!!! I've never found anything to watch even if I wanted to but I always report to reception on check-out the TV is still logged-on in case they can re-set it for the benefit of the numpties before!! Someone else after me might well take advantage.
1: Clean the remote. I'd agree buttons stop working -but at home I have remotes 25 years old and they work fine (one I think might still be on original batteries!)
2: Re-tune it. Sorry -whoevever brought in this promise about digital being immune to interference was talking absolute guff. The interference is just "different". I have to re-tune my own TV's quite often -but I have 2 and they need re-tuning at different periods off the same aerial
3: Restore the channels which keep dissapearing. Bring back TV when you used to have fixed channels!!!!!!4: Re-set the colour so everyone doesn't look like they've been painted with David Dickinsons favourite shade of Ronseal varnish5: On occasion, TV keeps turning off automatically, go and check settings etc. I often find timers have been set randomly somehow, presumably by accident
PS, if remote isn't working or working intermittantly, I use the age-old trick of very lightly tapping it first then it comes back to life. Taking one battery out or rotating it in-situ. Probably explaines why I think one of my remotes is still on the same Pnasonic batteries after 25 years now. The Scottish blood in me must prevail sometimes.
...So bring back old telly. It seems much more hassle than it's worth these days. I have to chnge settings on my Mum's TV most times I go see her. Most times it's operator error or this problem that they just stop working if you don't check these days.