I would just like to put my view forwards with regards to the F14 sets. I have been using these sets since their first release, and loaded them to their full limits with never a glitch or whimper.
If they are set up correctly in the first place with the correct expansion modules and required accessories they are almost bombproof. Remember the word almost, I don't think you can get any set that has a perfect record, luckily for me I have never had a set go down. During the 90's I went away from them and had all the latest gear but they just weren't as versatile, so the F14's were again purchased.
I never bought the combo sets so mine always had rechargeable batteries. Changing the crystal takes at most 30 secs, is the lake going to get up and run away if it takes more than ten seconds, I doubt it. Why would you need to reverse the servos in a boat that is all ready to be sailed? Planning your servo setup should be done in the workshop, not at the poolside. Again on initial setup reversing the servo takes the same time as changing the crystal.
As far as I am concerned, are you after the latest gizmo with built in telephone, broadband, and boast factor, or just after as far as I am concerned, a well constructed, hard wearing, fully upgradeable with no difficult programming, and does exactly what it was intended to do, that is, control a lot of functions easily once you can get your head around how to wire them up correctly, and I will tell you now, once it clicks, you will have no further trouble wiring them up.