Right. This is getting stupid now.
Over the past week I have managed to loose 6 pencils from my modelling room. I know for a fact that I haven't walked out of the room with them. I have also pulled the room apart looking for them.
But NO pencils.
No longer do I find this funny. Either:
A) Someone with a pencil fetish is breaking into my house each night and stealing them
B) A large bird of un-known species flies through the window when I'm not looking and carries my pencils off to make a very specific type of nest.
And what ever IS happening happens fast. I put a pencil down in front of me, glue up a piece of wood, go to get said pencil to make the next set of measurements and it's gone.
This should NOT be physically possible!!
I know that other people have similar problems - for example £20 notes regularly go missing from Mrs Steve's purse when she is in town, and magically transform into new pairs of shoes in the closet at some future point in time "wow... I simply CAN'T remember buying those...." is a regular refrain in my house..
But this is now beyond a joke.
From this point on I am going to fit radio collars to each of my pencils. And I shall track them down where ever they may be. Unless they are actually removed from this set of dimensions by the pencil fairy.

Topic name changed - Admin