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Author Topic: Kreigsmarine schnellboote 1/72nd  (Read 3688 times)


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Kreigsmarine schnellboote 1/72nd
« on: August 15, 2006, 09:02:57 pm »

here is my schnellboote, basically an Airfix 1/72nd scale model kit converted (for the umptinth time), it is several years old now, and just recently under went another refit, which still hasnt produced the speed that i need for it to go to match the other one i believe at kirklees (originally shown in the model boat mag).

I built this when i was a member at the north west model boat club at horwich, and it had it's maiden (more like old maid) voyage, sailing at a poultry 10 feet per minute, yawn.

The next time it was on water, i visited the P45 group up at stanley park, where it sat gracefully along side one of the clubs members graff spee,
that also being 1/72nd scale it looked good, though the graff spee looked as if it had just come of the slip way, since there was no crew or bits etc.

A couple of years later, i went to an ellesmere show and got the shock of my life when i found another that went 100 times faster, and he put mine to shame (and rightly so) at a st helens day, and only recently i have tried (in vain) to speed up the old girl. being a cautionary type i dont know how big a engine i can fit in her, so time will tell.


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Re: Kreigsmarine schnellboote 1/72nd
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 10:58:51 pm »

forgot the pics

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Re: Kreigsmarine schnellboote 1/72nd
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 11:03:38 pm »

and finally the inside with the motor removed,

just spent the last hour trying to learn how to add the pictures, dang computer.

i am using an action speed controller and a hitec receiver , all minitures with a micro servo for rudder control, martin was helpful in some ideas for reducing the 'jutter' on the servo, but with the confined space it is difficult to sheild, may have better luck on the other vessels and this old tubs replacement.


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Re: Kreigsmarine schnellboote 1/72nd
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2006, 06:55:57 pm »

sorry about the quality of the pictures, here is another couple including P45's graff spee at stanley park, i hope the owner remembers this from all those years ago, i cannot remember the date.

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Re: Kreigsmarine schnellboote 1/72nd
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 09:50:33 am »

A nice job you have done there, warspite.  :)
When God created planet earth, he made it with 75% of water. Bet he had the modelboaters on his mind!


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Re: Kreigsmarine schnellboote 1/72nd
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2006, 11:48:26 pm »

These photo's are a couple of years old, and the graff spee was the same scale, but, as i have mentioned else where it moves like a snail on prozac, the vessel is getting a motor upgrade at the weekend if i can decide on wether to us a 380 or the original motor with the larger battery, shortned the prop shaft to get the impeller closer to the underside of the hull, and it's shorter on the inside to allow the motor to be positioned further back, placing the battery further forward, if this fails i will change the prop to a brass one and see if that helps, the alternative is build the spare one and fit twin shafts and motors.
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