here is my schnellboote, basically an Airfix 1/72nd scale model kit converted (for the umptinth time), it is several years old now, and just recently under went another refit, which still hasnt produced the speed that i need for it to go to match the other one i believe at kirklees (originally shown in the model boat mag).
I built this when i was a member at the north west model boat club at horwich, and it had it's maiden (more like old maid) voyage, sailing at a poultry 10 feet per minute, yawn.
The next time it was on water, i visited the P45 group up at stanley park, where it sat gracefully along side one of the clubs members graff spee,
that also being 1/72nd scale it looked good, though the graff spee looked as if it had just come of the slip way, since there was no crew or bits etc.
A couple of years later, i went to an ellesmere show and got the shock of my life when i found another that went 100 times faster, and he put mine to shame (and rightly so) at a st helens day, and only recently i have tried (in vain) to speed up the old girl. being a cautionary type i dont know how big a engine i can fit in her, so time will tell.