Via email to Mayhem....
This is my first time to your website and I am not sure if any of your readers could Help but here goes.
I am just getting started on building a 1/24th scale Fairmile D MTB/MGB using the Kingston mouldings hull.
It is my intention to make it as all singing and dancing as possible, by introducing sound cards and rotating guns, bilge pumps etc., but before I proceed much further I need to work out where to put all the internal elements I want to install.
It is with this in mind I would like some advise on the mechanics of making the torpedo’s fire.
I have hollow tubes and fittings from precision mouldings which basically is based around approx 15mm pipe, and I have a good basic idea of using a servo to push a trigger/s of some kind to fire them, but it’s advise on the pneumatics I could do with.
I accept that compressed air is the easiest propellant, readily provided by a foot pump and leg power. I would think 60 p.s.i in a quick burst would do the trick if it is to counter the forward motion of the boat on full tilt.
It’s what can be used to act as the two or four reservoirs that I am having trouble with. If possible I would like to get them working independently or at worst case pairs but it is all subject to space and weight.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Tom (Nobby’s Navy)