I can't speak to 5 TV, but I have a couple of questions for you.
Does your cable channels, show the same movie either back to back or "THREE ENCORE PERFORMANCES, 3 NIGHTS IN A ROW!"
Or the one I love "Premier showing of (movie fill in the blank). That has been on the tube for a year, when they mean its shown on this channel for the first time!
And do they show one or two new episodes, and then repeat them before another new one?
Also do they announce "ALL NEW EPISODE TONIGHT" What they make episodes that are only half new, or quarter new.
As the old joke goes 500 channels and nothing on!
The other thing is Does the sound on the TV get louder when the commercials, come on.
I know its because they are recorded at a higher volume, But the companies insit that the sound doesn't get louder. Even when shown metered evidence.
And now they are forcing everybody to move toward the HDTV's, I drove the salesman from the cable company that called nuts when I said why would I want to see more commercials clearer and brighter!
and repeats of the same show over and over.