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Author Topic: transmitter ?  (Read 2271 times)


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transmitter ?
« on: February 23, 2009, 08:02:38 pm »

had a zebra transmitter given to me 3 channel only useing 2 when i push stick forward for prop it hesitates and then  prop starts very fast trouble with electrics cannot see what one is doing   thanks


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Re: transmitter ?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 08:43:06 pm »

hi regiment. we need a few more details to help you. Did you get just the transmitter, or was there a receiver with it? Have you tried swapping over the servo leads in the receiver to see if its the transmitter stick or the receiver thats the trouble< obviously if the steering stick works the motor OK then its the throttle stick thats causing the trouble.
I f you are using a receiver from a different manufacturer, you may find that it is not compatable with the transmitter.
give us some more details of the whole system you are using & I'm sure we can point you in the right direction
cheers Glenn


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Re: transmitter ?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 08:49:57 pm »

will try your surgestions  tomorrow many thanks  :-))


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Re: transmitter ?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2009, 10:48:18 am »

hi knobby thanks for your advice carried out your instructions  found out it was the throttle stick . but when pushed down and forward  works fine. i  put a few drops of wd  on it{ in for a penny in for a pound } i think i can put up with it,  once again thanks gordon


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Re: transmitter ?
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2009, 10:58:43 am »

hi knobby thanks for your advice carried out your instructions  found out it was the throttle stick . but when pushed down and forward  works fine. i  put a few drops of wd  on it{ in for a penny in for a pound } i think i can put up with it,  once again thanks gordon

If doing what you explain causes the problem, there are two likely possibilities a) an intermittent track contact on the joystick pot or b) a dry joint (poor soldering) on one of the leads to the joystick unit.   If you're going to spray it with WD40 then you may as well take the back off and (with the TX and RX turned on) try wiggling each lead separately near the joystick, while preventing anything else flexing with the other hand.   If that identiies a dodgy joint then simply reheat the solder and make sure it runs properly.     If the problem is in the pot then changing it is probably the easiest option, or swapping the two stick units over.   In my younger days we'd have dismantled the pot and rubbed the track with a soft pencil to repair the track.  However things are so cheap now I wouldn't bother to do that any longer!





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Re: transmitter ?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2009, 07:07:29 pm »

 will try that on sunday  thanks for advice
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