The 'personal preference' comes closer than you might think. Most of the newer radio systems are comparable in performance (range etc.). The things that influence me are how the thingy feels in my hands, how easy will finding parts be, and just how much does the thing cost. If there are specific combinations of functions needed/wanted that only one or two particular radios can provide, then go with one of those kind of radios. If you are looking for just a 'general' system, to be used on several boats, or just don't need all kinds of 'mixing' etc, then almost any 'name brand' system is good enough. I tend to 'lean' toward 'Futaba'. Not that they are the 'best' radios around, but because they are usually easy to find things to work with them (or replacement parts). 'Sanwa' may be the best thing since bottled beer, but I know nothing about them, which would tend to make me go a different route.
The other side of the coin is that if you are dissatisfied with whichever you select, sell it and try something else. Certainly more bother than selecting the "perfect" radio system to start with. The thing about that is that there are no 'perfect' systems cuz I'm always changing my mind about what I want or think I need. Oh well...
All the above pertains to 'newer' stuff. The 'older' models of radios can really be a problem because of a number of reasons. One being that 'they' don't make stuff for them anymore, sort of, so if the price isn't ~really~ right, they just aren't worth the bother. WTH, select one of them and if it doesn't work out well, blame it on someone! (That's what I do. Not 'true' most of the time but it makes me feel better.)
- 'Doc