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Author Topic: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy  (Read 13084 times)


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Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« on: March 28, 2009, 10:51:20 pm »

Hi all!
My friends and family bought me one of these for my birthday. I've always wanted one and it will suite my current build Smit London perfect. Now for my question, how do I control my bowthruster? When I search for parts to extend the functions I don't find anything suitable. I see that you can buy multifunction devises that cost almost as much as the radioset, and perhaps I will go for that in the future, but for now I want to extend with one channel only. I find a proportional slide control that could work, but the control is mounted vertical and I would like it horizontal. It might work to put it under the twinstick where there is a slot for the trim. Or is there a proportional turn knob control that I don't find, because that would work to. Would be grateful for any tips.


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2009, 11:15:39 pm »

Couldn't you use the left stick left/right axis for the bow thruster?


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2009, 11:28:46 pm »

Hi andyn!
Well you see, this transmitter has a "twinstick" to control two engines independently placed on the left side. On the right side is a ordinary stick and the left/right axis will be to control the rudder. I could use the up/down axis on the right stick but I don't want to because it seems odd! Thanks anyway!!


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2009, 10:15:58 am »

A switch or rotary potentiometer with a 6.35mm bush will fit the panel holes.They are available from electronic component suppliers.
To keep the servo throw to 1/4 turn you must solder a 150kohm resistor in the centre wire.
A 5 or 10k rotary pot would give you proportional control- sub miniature for a 6.35mm hole.

If you wanted a servo throw adjust you can put a pot. (connected as a variable resistor) in series with the resistor.



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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2009, 12:25:00 pm »

You could run it off your rudder channel. Use a Y lead off the rudder servo. You could then add something like an Electronise switch  to switch the bow thruster on and off. if you ever want to disengage it from the rudder.


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2009, 01:03:52 pm »

Hi on the F14 set there are two slots in the center of the transmitter that will take slide controlers these will give you propotional control of a servo

they are held in via two small screws and just plug into the PCB within the radio.

There is a face plate that will cover the screw heads (I think it comes in the switch kit)

Westbourne sell the item that will fit I think they are part number   F-1501



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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2009, 07:30:46 pm »

Thank you all for your replies!
Stallspeed, you say I can get my own potentiometer and fit to the transmitter. I'll have to think about that one, it would be cheaper for sure but I'm afraid to ruin something. Mankster, I really want to control the bowthruster independently so I don't think I'll put it on the rudder stick. Catengineman, I know about the slots in the middle of the transmitter but if I will use a slide control I would like to have it placed horizontal not vertical. It might work to put it in the slot for the trim under the twinstick. I even thought about getting a second pair of twinsticks and put them on the left side turned 90degr. That would give you one stick above the other for rudder and thruster control but the price for the twinstick is to high. I have some time yet before it's time to put in the electronics in my boat so I'll have to think about this. Thanks again to you all!


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2009, 07:37:40 pm »

Hama,if you take the radio to somebody who is more confident with electrics they will confirm channel 1 to 4 sticks are only 5k pots.
The additional parts at over £10 consist of slider pots,a resistor,connector and a small fibreglass pcboard to hold the two components and the connector.


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2009, 07:56:19 pm »

OK stallspeed, that sounds great. After all, thats what the ordinary sticks are "made" of so of course it will work if you do it right. Thanks again!


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2009, 08:00:31 pm »

As stallspeed says If you want to have the sort of control you say then I would go for the pot rather than try to fit a slide into the trim slot (you may need the trimmer at a later date)

My FX 18 has the same internals (sort of) and I have 4 sliders two to the front (center of sticks) and then one per side to the top rear of the transmitter



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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2009, 10:19:43 pm »


I also have an F14 twin stick and was wondering about bow thruster control - in the end I have gone for the up/down channel on the right stick to give p/s thrust. Not what you want I know, but it works with practice and you dont need to modify the set.

if at first you dont succeed.....have a beer.....


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2009, 11:01:12 pm »

Thanks Ian, I appreciate your input. I'll probably do as you have to start with.


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2009, 12:22:56 am »

you could use my new combined speed controller  / steering and bow thruster unit, see it here scroll down till you get to the P94S Subtech unit, its great for tugs and supply ships as well!

thanks Rob


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2009, 09:21:07 pm »

Thanks, great site!

Roberto To

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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2009, 02:43:05 pm »

Hi to all!

I have heard about it that it is a good radio-control for RC model ships...

I have intention to buy it for my ferry model... but I need some explanations about the add of channels and control sticks... it is sold with 8 channels (if I have correctly understood)... 8 channels would say 8 functions... right?

I need for my ferry:

(1) left motor,
(2) right motor (I would to have they separated controlled with that )
(3) rudders,
(4) bowthrusters,
(5) stabilizers,
(6) left anchor,
(7) right anchor,
(8 ) right stern ramp,
(9) left stern ramp,
(10) lights...

but as you can read here I need 10 channels...


Is it simple to add other channels on that transmitter? Can I hold the same reciver or I must to change it with one wich have more channels?


Can I use another twin stick (like that linked before) controller also for rudders and bow thrusters (of course mounted rotated of 90°) instead of the originnaly stick on the right side of the transmitter?

I think that it is possible... I think that it is more comfortable to have one twin stick controller for the motors (left and right) mounted on the left side of the transmitter and other one twin stick controller for rudders and bowthrusters mounted as say before...

Thanks a lot!


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2009, 06:46:58 pm »

Hi Roberto to . The F14 has 8 channels yes and no.
Ok the hand set has 4ch on you can plug other input switches in to the spare expansion channel slots 5 to 8. The input modules can be bought or made. Be seated when you look at the price. You do have the option of using a spare channel putting a 8 way switch encoder and then you would all so need an 8 way very seated when you look at the price of these. So a fully loaded F14 can control 22 independent servos at a cost .
The receiver is just an 8ch receiver.

There is another way to control extra channels. This is what I an thinking of using on Celestine when I wire her up.
take you ferry and split the functions in to 2 list.
L1 motors,rudder,bow thruster,stabilizers. that 5 functions. use a normal 6ch raido.
L2 anchor door lights horn etc. Most of the functions will only ever be used near the shore of you could use an 8ch switcher board see link.

As for the twin sticks. What you need to start with is the F14 NAVY this give you twin sticks on the left this set is more expensive that a regular F14. Then you will need to get a new twin stick unit very expensive and fit this on the right at 90 degress ,I am not sure if it will mount like this an email to robbe will confirm this


Roberto To

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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2009, 08:46:32 pm »

There is another way to control extra channels. This is what I an thinking of using on Celestine when I wire her up.
take you ferry and split the functions in to 2 list.
L1 motors,rudder,bow thruster,stabilizers. that 5 functions. use a normal 6ch raido.
L2 anchor door lights horn etc. Most of the functions will only ever be used near the shore of you could use an 8ch switcher board see link.

Hi John,
if I understood correctly... making that I will have two transmitters hold in my hands and two recievers on board one of sailing and one for other function... right? of course the "L2" will be done works only in fews times... and a ship stopped...

but that can generate a big problem... the frequencies of the two groups of transmitter and reciever (L1 and L2) can be disturbed mutually... or not?

I have seen it... it is (I think) easy to find on old TV at the rubbish dump  :D

it will be good to control the RollON anche the RollOFF of the veichles... 1 key for single veichle...



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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2009, 10:08:37 pm »

Hi Roberto To. yes you will have two transmitters of sort. To do a one all in transmitter  you want a  F14 with extras and that  is big money so you have a choice. 1 transmitter and a hand held remote or a big bill for a loaded f14.

frequencies of the set is different so should not be any problem. L1 can be on 27mhz 40 mhz or 2.4ghz L2 is on 433.92MHz. You have to check that these frequency are ok in Italy but as Italy is in the EU should be ok.

The link you have posted shows an INFRA RED (IR) set.these can be affected by strong sun light. As for getting an old TV  I am  not sure if that will work as the p.c.b on the TV set are power by 220v and have lots of diffrent circuits on them .



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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2009, 11:49:50 pm »

Hi Robert To .
To day on the ferry I had time to kill so I have drawn you 2 diagrams to show you how to use the units show in post above to control functions. Note 8 ch unit so relays 1 - 8

Small diagram.
 Relay 3 R3 controls the froward/reverse of All motors. Relay 2 R2 controls motor 2 M2 this will switch motor 2 on or off its direction is controlled by R3. R1 controls M1

Big Diagram.
Here the control of the motor is the same via the unit. So you are at a show and you want to demonstrate a function but all rc units have to be turned over to RC control. what do you do. Well here you can have a plug in box the control the functions while it is plugged in . See link for remote plug in box top of page 3
Control is the same as above. When the box is plugged  in SHORT 1 completes the circuit for the REMOTE RELAYS causing them to activate . Now the remote relays are in relay R1 R2 R3 have NO control of the function. The functions are now controlled vi the switches on the remote plug in box.

I am thinking of using this system on Celestine.


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2009, 12:13:10 am »

Like I said to hama,to get the upper channels you are as well making them from component parts.
Some Hungarian guy has blogged on how to do it.
The transmitter parts only need potentiometers or switches with a resistor

Forget infra-red.You will get modular 433 Mhz modules on Ebay for a few pounds each.


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Re: Robbe/Futaba F14 Navy
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2009, 09:40:08 am »

My personal choice would have been to either fit the rudder control with a pair of switches set to operate on full throw + a bit of trim, or Y-lead a switcher set to operate at the extremes. 
Saves a control on the TX and less to remember. 
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