OK, I'm stuck and fed up - hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
First, the gear:
1 x Graupner Speed 280 with (supplied) capacitors fitted
1 x Acoms Techniplus 40MHz Tx/Rx with Standard Acoms Servo
1 x Action P78 Condor 2 ESC with diode (set up to use Rx Battery for motor)
'On board' stuff currently powered by 4 (fresh) AA Dry Cells
All the above is
new and was bench tested before being installed in my (comparatively small) boat.
*The only thing I did notice,
prior to hooking up the ESC or the motor, is that the servo has a tendency to tick away to itself (chatter?) sometimes - there is no noticeable movement and a 'flick' on the stick usually stops it. Distance/Aerial etc. make no difference to this phenomena.*
OK, so I got my ESC this morning, plugged it into the receiver, hooked it up to the motor - and it all worked beautifully! I then popped in the plug for the rudder servo - that worked fine as well.
Then, I gently pushed forward on the motor stick and... the rudder servo then whacked itself clockwise (further than its usual path of travel) until the revs increased and then it was back to normal - same behaviour when running either forward or reverse.
If I flick the motor stick up to get mid revs or more from standstill, the rudder servo just twitches and then centres itself and behaves normally (apart from a slight drop in revs that is hardly noticeable), but any slight movement of the motor stick around the centre 'dead zone' will cause it to go temporarily bonkers - like it's making me
I'm pretty certain that proximity of the units is not the issue as even spread as far apart as possible the results are exactly the same.
Anyhows, there's little I can do about that as the central space in the attached photo is all I have (that will be accessible).
Sadly, I have no access to any other kit, servos, receivers etc. and I've spent the last of my pennies on this lot - so where do I go from here apart from chucking it all in the cupboard and making it a static model?
I've read through everything I can find, but nothing seems to relate to my problem, so I'm hoping somebody can shed some light for me please.
Many thanks,