I've decided to try building a semi-scale Type 24 frigate,based on GG's plan called the Paladin from MB Oct 2005. I've made some adjustments to the hull shape as follows:- The base of the hull is still the same at 3" wide,but I've used 9mm balsa for the hull base instead of just 6mm,and the deck level will be 3.25"wide in order to impart an outward lean to the hull sides. I've also lengthened the stempiece at the upper level,in order to increase the prow angle of the bow. The other adjustment that I've made to the plan,involves the stern of the boat,whereas GG used a simple sloped section from the hull base up towards the deck level,I've gone for CH's stepped rear hull shape. The reason for this is that it allows you to fit a stock rudder with no problems at all,provided that you reinforce the balsa with light ply first.
The reason for doing this is quite simple,having seen the astern response of my corvette,I'm going with what works for me. I'll post up pics of the build as it progresses.