thank you sir...but here i do not have any option..i am living in a remote village,in KERALA STATE, we cant buy any needed materials easily..yes i can..only when i am in duty.when i am in duty, i do not have any enough i will do all my works when i am in home...i am doing all things from, handy materials, not because of the lack of materials...i born in a very rich family, by wealth and tradition.our family is a farmer community, situated near a river in kerala i have ample of water sources around me...i was making models from from the age of 6.i got my first futaba ATTACK 2 radio system, when i was PAPPA gave me it when he goes for research in london.within a year i got the second was a bionic gold from futaba.up to these days both are un used by me, because both are precious treassure to me...then i got thirdth one, from my friend, its a SKYPORT, YFM 4 from i have two of them, using now.i brought home one more system, when i was returning home, after my research in aeronautis, is a DUPLEX from germany...i have ample of motors, are brushed and brushless...i am also making flying models ...fighter planes...we also have a supply of balsa wood here in Bangalore.but still i am doing all models from, thermocol,paper, and thrown scraps..why..? the age of 12 i compleated more than 200+ models, all from kits, all from, italeri, airfix, hasegawa, academy, minicrafts, zwesda,and many...once my uncle came home and made fun on me...he told me, must make models of your own...making from a kit is not much you must find some materials and make your own was an inspiration to me....after that i have compleated more than 300 + models only in water based crafts...i know, now i can make a 1.5 metre long,war ship, all with home made R/C, within a month, and for around 6 dollars...if i go for a conventional root, it will costs more than 2000 times of this money...i always wander along scrapyards, to collect motors and Tx Rx ICs from scraped old toys...and i am a gold medal winner in model making segment in my own i am here to share my knowledge to all others, while have to take knowledge from all others...i hope, making a model from blank working table, to an entire working model,by all means is more satisfying ....making gearboxes..making nice...thanks for the instructions from you,and i am here to hear all from you...with respect..Rathi