There is a trick to that...
Take a flat sheet of the material your using.
Mark out the spacing between each plank.
In your case 8mm then with a straight edge using a sharp blade slice a grove into it, then take the knife and at around 45 degrees slice out a v shape carefully.
You should now have what looks like this in profile -------v----------v----------v---------- (forgive the crudeness of the txt drawing)
Now take a bit of sand paper/wet or dry fold around a bit of plastic card 0.5 mm should be ok, and rub it up and down the v grove to create rounded edges.
To finish it off take your knife again and at the base of the v cut into it but not all the way through this way when its stained or varnish the line will look like a simulated single plank, butted against the next.
This is how i would do it with a singular sheet. But it may be worth looking at profiling single planks if this method dose not work out for you.
This is a slow method so rushing will harm the effect, it may be best to do a tester first see if it works out before committing to a full sheet.