Hi dougal99 and others,
This topic has been gone over many times before, I thought on Mayhem, but may be the old M.B. forum.
I'm sure Doc and others will come back with Tech Spec if required.
It has been stated (by experts) before about wave length of aerials etc. and I was trying to avoid going over it again.
I have for some years, attached the full length of receiver aerial to the base of my One Meter Yacht masts, which adds an extra length of approx 70 inches on a number one rig. The only result of doing this, was to add a great deal of range. I have never experienced the problems of signal loss, that a lot of the yachters that run aerials round the inside of the hull have. On the pond at Brid, that I know you have sailed on, I can sail the whole pond, with the transmitter aerial down, with no loss of signal.
(not something I do other than to check reception range, as this will almost certainly damage the output stage on the transmitter)
I have never had a receiver fail as a result of lengthening the receiver aerial. I have never actually had a receiver fail for any reason, unlike Electronic Speed Controllers, which I appear to be cursed with at the moment.
I am not an expert, and can only go by the suck it and see method. I have been in the hobby this time round for the last ten years, and any remarks I make, are usually based on actual sailing time and not theory.
PS dougal99 will you be at Skipsea this year? if so, see you there.