I always loved Stingray and have been after one for ages, so now I've got two. The Matchbox one is absolutely tiny, only 13" long and with absolutely no usable space inside it to speak of whatsoever. The other model I'll be getting in the next couple of weeks doesn't suffer this problem, It's 3 feet long and like a cave, and I have several ideas for working bits on it.
After ripping it apart you can see how little room there is inside this one, I'm using 40mm pipe for a WTC, but can only get 13cm of it in there, and seeing as i need a good 80mm of it for servos the motor and batteries are gonna have to be out in the wet stuff...
I'm determined not to spoil the looks of the model outside, so all the linkages are gonna be as small as possible and out the way. Unfortunately the Ratemaster won't do anything but splash water around, so the inside is gonna have to be painted silver to hide a prop in there. Also, I was going to have the Sting missiles firing, but I need the space to put batteries in, so the big one will have to have them.
Here's where I am after a couple of hours work....