Sorry for the long overdue posting but have been through a lot off life changes , relocation , Retirement , and ill health ....but you know what they say about bad Pennies keep turning up
By way of thanks to the Forum for keeping my AVATAR going and my friends who Frequent this site I thought you may like to see my latest Model which is nearing completion now
She was "Scratch built" in as much as all I had was a destroyer Hull from a dear Friend in Peterborough , along with some fittings and a pile of plasticard from his sloop box , a set of plans that bore little to the model I wanted to build but none the less helpful and a collection of Navy photographs to discern the detail from donated from friends on another Forum as no kit exists on this type at 1/96 scale
But as mentioned in other post I was able to rely on help from others who but for them................. this lady would never have got off the drawing boards
She was originally designed around a 7ah 12v SLA battery but she proved very unstable so returned to the drawing board and with help from RON , Dave at ACTION ELECTRONICS , and Ian at COMPONENT SHOP... she made it out onto the water
just like my first model HMS MANXMAN she has all the sound effects and twin 385 motors but this one runs on a lipo 5000 mAh 11.1 v battery at a quarter of the weight of the SLA and a much lower centre of gravity ...hope you like her