Willit, a couple of points not related to the water-cooling exactly but it will help with cooling the motor. Drill a couple or four holes on the mount to match the holes on the face of the motor. Make sure you have large radius bends on the silicon water tube and that they dont get kinked or narrowed for any reason. Check for debris, seeds or sand etc in the coil from time to time by blowing through it. Your antenna looks far too short unless you have a plug to the rest of it. Make sure the propeller shaft is full of grease. Some floatation might be wise too. Sink happens !
thanks for the tips Arrow.
By your commenting on them I take it you think the bends are too sharp in the pipe?
I need to grease the shaft, but that will be done.
And I think I shall take up your idea about the motor bracket holes. The motor already has some pretty big holes in it but a couple more won't hurt!
The antenna is indeed continued into the superstructure.
thankyou! Will sort it all out tomorrow and report back.