Right so my original thread has disappeared so time for a new one
I recently acquired a built but damaged ARk/Hooben Perkasa in 1/32 scale. I have stripped off all the deck fittings and so far have resprayed the deck and put back together a few of the fittings. Nothing has been re-fitted to the hull as yet because the rudders were not working. I have now removed these and whoever built the boat fixed the servo arms onto the rudder post with glue, which ran down into the rudder tube, no wonder they would not work. I have ordered a pair of brass rudders off the web, which I will fit a little further from the transom so that I can get the mechanism to operate two rudders from one servo working.
Came with two 545 or thereabouts motors, both run though there appears to be a slight kink in one of the prop shafts. I will also need to acquire new props sometime as the ones on the boat are plastic, but they may work perfectly well?
I seem to be missing a few bits, one being 3 round covers that fit on the exhaust, I have three but it looks like I need 6 - The etched brass supports for the torpedoes are damaged so not too sure what I will do about these and I think I can rescue 3 out of 4 torpedoes. The railing was etched brass stanchions with string/thread, but these were a bit wobbly and buckled, i think i will leave the railing till I can afford some solid stanchions.
Any guidance regarding rebuilding this will be greatly appreciated - I am planning on getting one of these ESCs
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/260689007619?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649Not sure what battery as yet, I am told the motors are probably 12v, so I guess I may go for 11v lipo.
As acquired
Deck stripped and resprayed, I know its a bit dark but I am using what I have to save money, I have since sprayed the small bit of deck around the engine cover