Hi RST did you ever see the Horizon documentary called (I think) Cloud Lab?
It was a BBC production but not currently available to watch on iPlayer, just trailers. It deals with clouds and using Lidar (Radar using laser technology) and goes on to 'weigh' a cloud! A very ordinary cloud a couple of hundred metres long and about as high weighs in at 4 tons! By contrast a thunder cloud going up 30,000 feet is in excess of 4,000,000 tons, just thinking of yesterday local downpour!
But whilst out over the Atlantic checking air particles causing dispersal of the sunlight (pollution) found this had got better with the various clean air policies around the world.The unintended consequence was that more sunlight got to the sea warmed it up and we have more hurricanes forming than usual and they have been causing the rather wild weather to get to our shores of recent years.