Look, its got battleships and spaceships in it, it aint Shakespeare is it? Sometimes a bit of escapist entertainment is good for the soul. Mind you, some recent offerings have left me less than impressed first time round. It usually takes at least two to three viewings for me to realise I am watching a Turkey!
Transformers 3 on DVD=Cobblers, £5.00 I could have spent on superglue to glue my eyelids shut, more interesting to watch.
Alien 3, hated it at first, have now developed a new found respect for it.
U571, good effects work, best watched with the sound turned down! Imagine English accents...
Pear Harbor, wind on 65 minutes, enjoy the pyrotechnics and turn off before the fly past of the weird 'Japanese Fleet!'
Just recently watched 'The Cruel Sea' again, truly, they dont make em like they used to. Didn't see one spaceship!