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Windows 10 !
« on: May 24, 2016, 11:17:51 pm »

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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 11:51:16 pm »

 >>:-(  YES ! ! Unfortunately I did that (the X) and nothing happened , thought no more of it , I'm a night owl so it's normal for me to be at the comp 1 - 2 o clock in the morning , I'd gone out to the kitchen for a brew  came back and WINDOWS 10 was being loaded  :o  you cant stop it . .
OK I'm stuck with it , see what it's like , nothing is where it should be , compared to 7 , I thought it was slower than Win 7, seemed to check every page you went on ( this event happened last Tuesday) I'll see the week out & roll back FORGET IT  >:-o  Thursday morning refused to accept my starting password Tried everything to bypass it , into BIOS , Main setup , nothing worked . . .
Clean instal is called for , my data is on a second SSD drive so once I reload all the apps I'll be away again I WAS WRONG 10 had installed all the backup files on the second drive & wiped out all the data  <:(
I'm hoping the data is in there somewhere,  there's 46 gig of files to check so I'll be sometime , meantime 'old faithful XP' is back in use . . .
Bill . . . <*<


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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2016, 12:14:19 am »

Same thing happened to me - not impressed.



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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2016, 04:02:38 am »

On our Thinkpad service centre here, they are disabling the update settings for Win users not on 10. This may cause problems with security updates, but it is what they are doing to stop Win10 being forced on people.

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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2016, 04:41:10 am »

The story from Oz PC Mag goes, that Microsoft are aiming for some astronomical take up figure for the update and at last count they, Microsoft, were nowhere near it, that is the aimed take up by users of Win 10.

Consequently, Microsoft may extend the time to accept the update but in the meantime, those who haven't done so should wait.

It is also reported that because of the large variety of computer combinations, all PC's are not identical, Win 10 may not work even though the PC has the right specs.

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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2016, 07:18:49 am »

Windows 10 is competition to Android's data-harvesting sytem - MS realised they were missing out on all the sales of people's information - that is why Win10 is being forced upon you now - there's BIG money in your information.


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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2016, 09:09:13 am »

Well I did warn about this sort of thing happening along with hidden inhouse charges for various parts of the system months ago. Without saying so I was accused of scare mongering. I wonder if the parties that did so will jump up and offer an apology -hmmm not a chance! <*<

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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2016, 10:01:18 am »

I noticed this the other day when, funnily enough, I wanted to upgrade my Windows 7 laptop. Although W7 was fine the machine was taking forever to start up and I couldn't discover why. Also, as I only use it every 10 days or so, each time I switched on or off there was a50% chance that it would decide to do a 20 minute update at the most inconvenient time. So I thought I would upgrade to W10 now as I would have a chance to roll back if necessary but the upgrade seems to have gone smoothly enough so far. I did take the customise option and switched off all the obvious 'reporting back to Microsoft' features although no doubt there are some hidden ones there too.

I think all these devices now have a mind of their own and seem to do pretty much as they please rather than what you actually want. Being led by the nose seems to apply in most areas of life these days.



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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2016, 10:03:48 am »

On our Thinkpad service centre here, they are disabling the update settings for Win users not on 10. This may cause problems with security updates, but it is what they are doing to stop Win10 being forced on people.

There's an app' called NEVER 10 (google it) that will find / erase / block out any Win 10 'updates' I've only just found it  :((  so it's no good to me, but it may help other folk , i've downloaded it just in case . . .
In hindsight I'd noticed the 'update' logo on the shutdown button for a while , when I've shutdown the comp' went off straight away instead of don't switch your computer off etc , so that must have been Win 10 coming aboard .


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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2016, 10:08:44 am »

I did Windows 10 about a year ago now and have loved it ever since. It just works so much better than 7 did and it's exactly the same to look at so everything is easy to use and find.
Never been charged for anything either so happy all the way.  :-)

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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2016, 10:28:29 am »

Way back, I muttered and cursed at W7 being different to XP after doing the same about XP being different to W98.  At least with W10 it can be configured to be very much like W7, and with my collection of programs, does work better in every respect.  I did take the opportunity to turn off all of the "advantages", so that probably accounts for it working so well.
Having said that, there are people out there who earn their living using programs that will only work on earlier versions of Windows and are not replaceable.  Programs that block off the W10 upgrade offers do have a very valid place, if only to allow such folks to earn a living.
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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2016, 11:43:36 am »

I intend to keep trying to fend it off until July.  I have full off-line backups of my files for recovery, and expect at worst it could cause me to have to buy a new computer if it goes totally pear shaped.  Either way it's a win-win situation for blooming Microsoft. 

I wish Vauxhall would automatically replace my wife's Zafira in the same way, preferably before it goes up in flames.
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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2016, 12:00:45 pm »

Bob, if you leave it to the last minute you may find that a lot of other people have done exactly the same and the MS servers will be swamped or something with extra risks of problems. I upgraded my laptop now on the basis that if it doesn't work properly with W10 I can still revert back to W7 which you may not be able to do after the July deadline.



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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2016, 12:30:23 pm »

Like ...''lambs to the slaughter" it really necessary to obtain 'for free' this new OS for your computer? this week or next week or next month or next year?................

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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2016, 12:42:24 pm »

Like ...''lambs to the slaughter" it really necessary to obtain 'for free' this new OS for your computer? this week or next week or next month or next year?................

Bill & Melisa may now be wonderful people........but!..................... {-) Derek

I agree, my earlier version of Windows works just fine and does everything I want.


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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2016, 12:48:08 pm »


Have a read of this and if you can follow up WIN 10 in APC Magazine. It used to be called Australian Personal Computer.

As one commentator on here said it is all to do with making money and also selling computers, that is why WIN 10 won't work with 'old' computers it no longer 'reads' the old chips.

Has to be something wrong when we, Australia, who have the record for embracing new technology aren't flocking to WIN 10.
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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2016, 12:50:13 pm »

I agree, my earlier version of Windows works just fine and does everything I want.

That looks exactly like the old Atari ST TOS operating system. Brings back good memories of simpler times when computers were really fast with just 4MB of RAM   :}


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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2016, 12:51:05 pm »

My Mum had it auto-install last week , aborted it when she had the chance ( auto rolls back to Windows 7 ) then last night all of a sudden her PC starts playing up , screen shaking and not working properly , now it could just be a co-incidence BUT I removed the update that put the Windows 10 install app on my last PC last year and within a week it started to shut itself down for absolutely no reason and I had to replace the PC

I think Microsoft have a bit of code in that update that will try and force you to replace your PC if you refuse the "upgrade" , for me I'm about to rebuild my last Pc , wipe the HD and install Linux and see if that works , if that PC operated normally without the shut downs then that's all the proof I will need that MS deliberately damaged the software on it
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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2016, 01:04:39 pm »

I just upgraded my old 2007 laptop- I upgraded it to Lubuntu 14.04 - I also treated it to a SSD hard drive - it now boots up to my user page in 14 seconds from hitting the on button, shuts down in about 5 seconds, and still does all of the work that I ever did on it before - windows 10 - well since it used to be XP, and was slow on that, I would never have thought it worth trying to even go as far as windows 7.
I do have one machine running windows 10, that is only used to watch TV online, and even that had some issues until I stopped trying to view the online websites and downloaded the 'App' for windows 10 for the TV channel. it seems to do everything I want - but the old ubuntu laptop is so much faster.

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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2016, 01:28:43 pm »

While there are many issues with modern software I don't go along with harking back to 'the good old days' which were often anything but. A bit like yearning for your old outside lavatory at the bottom of the garden.

Performance on a modern PC depends on many things and not just the basic operating system. The machine can be held back by applications constantly 'calling home', malware, and the insidious 'crapware' that most manufacturers stuff their machines with on top of whatever Microsoft has installed. Very often, problems will lie with the multiple drivers which are needed to try and make all the internal and external components work together for at least most of the time.

It is very obvious that some people can have a perfectly good experience with W10 while others really struggle which suggests that the problems lie with the interaction between W10 and the various drivers, peripherals and other variable factors which which it has to co exist. It's a wonder that anything works really.

However I don't believe in extolling the virtues of the old versions. For all its faults, my present setup is a quantum advance on what I used to manage with a decade ago and I only use a fraction of its actual potential.


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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #20 on: May 25, 2016, 02:27:28 pm »

From my point of view;

1. "Free" Windows 10 upgrade ends July 29 ( but I'm guessing they'll extend that due to demand )

2. If you're thinking about upgrading, do so now.
    If you don't like it, you can restore back to Windows 7 but only for a  30 days after install.
    Surprisingly, this does actually work properly! But do give windows 10 a proper chance first.....!

3. 'Clone' your HDD and install windows 10.
    This way you can get a good backup and  "free" Windows 10.
    You can then reinstall you old HDD and continue with windows 7.
    (You're going to have to upgrade one day, may as well get it for 'free'!)

4. Is it worth upgrading..... Hmmmm...
    From Windows 7, probably not, it's Very different!
    From Windows 8, 8.1 definitely.
    On a new laptop /desktop, yes.

5. Is it better than Windows 7? It does appear to be quicker. (I don't like all the background updates that you can't stop!)
Windows 10 won't work on "old" hardware.

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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2016, 02:38:14 pm »

I think MS are not doing themselves any favours here. Maybe further down the line MS will have proved to have made the correct decision, 'The last version of Windows you will ever need', with seamless updates. Provided it is not as market ready as ME and Vista were.

If they don't prove to be right, what will happen? Well already even non-IT people have migrated to the likes of Linux Ubuntu and Linux Mint. And in China, a lot of the kids are buying Apple products now. Apple products are not as solid and physically robust (almost indestructible ThinkPad, drop an Apple and it will do more than just bruise) as a lot of MS compatibles are, but at least all the bells and whistles work (trackpad anyone?).

My biggest worry for Win10, is that after the honey moon period, they will switch to a subscription model (like office 365) to pay for the updates. Updates that cost money. I know MS have said they won't do this, but can we believe the guys from marketing, given their recent history of shenanigans.
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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2016, 02:55:30 pm »

I'm not altogether sure that that analogy holds TT. Office 365 is an application, Windows is an operating system. Without an operating system any device is just so much junk. The cost of Windows is built into the cost of initial purchase. It is certainly true that Microsoft have made extra money on the back of releasing new editions of Windows but that is a voluntary purchase and it would be a big jump to move over to a subscription model when there is, as you say, an alternative in using another free operating system which will give all the practical functionality that most people need. If people go down that route then they will not need an initial Windows installation on their device and that would bite into Microsoft's revenues.

It does rather look as if Microsoft are exchanging the revenue they would get from new versions of Windows for the revenue they can raise by harvesting information from the majority of Windows users who will not have turned off the reporting to Microsoft functions. You can bet that devices as delivered will have these enabled by default.

It will be interesting to see how things turn out. At one time IBM had the computer market totally sown up but they are no longer anything like the player that they used to be. The profits lie in the information now, not the hardware and software used to gather and hold it.



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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2016, 03:15:27 pm »

The big issue for changing OS would be for the company systems.
For a large company to retrain all of its staff, to switch to a new OS and associated applications, would be difficult and costly; maybe unworkable.
One big bugaboo for me is that in China, you cannot buy the English language version of Win10, only Chinese. You can only get language packs for Win10 PRO (a USD99 upgrade from the home edition). You can set a user account language to English, but all the background working is Chinese. In Win10 that means only about half of the desktop is in English, as soon as you do anything in the OS it is Chinese.

The other point about apps like MS Office, is that they used to be a one off purchase too, before 365 came along. Most of the machines I work on in China are still running Office 2007, I am mostly using 2010, and have just received a new machine with 2013 on it. I have yet to see any user of 365 in China, or anywhere else for that matter. I am sure they exist, but I will resist buying into 365 until I have too. Again, the Linux (and other) office compatible products are still going to be around. At the moment these office clones are not as powerful, but they are getting there. A few years ago Linux was for geeks. Now the GUI is very intuitive and Windows like.

Don't get me wrong. I like MS Office, and Windows (most of the time). Like most people I am reluctant to have to learn a new OS. What I don't like is some of the things that MS has been doing since uncle Bill (no saint) stood down. Especially with regard to the uptake, or lack of, of Win10 and the subsequent strong arming to get people to switch. On the subject of learning a new OS, the differences between Linux Mint and Win7, are about the same (IMHO) as the differences between Win7 and Win10.
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Re: Windows 10 update - Let's be careful out there!
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2016, 03:48:16 pm »

Nobody WANTS a pc - historically they had to have one to get online, but MS's home market has been killed by Apple & Android.

I suspect MS is going for a subscription model like i-Tunes where if you don't sign up and pay whatever and whenever they decide, your machine stops working after 30 days - they want regular income rather than lumps of cash when they release a new windows version.

This push to get everyone onto Win10 obviously has an ulterior motive - they are trying to force you to put all your data on the cloud so they have the right to mine your data and sell what they like and I assume they are selling your habits and patterns for marketing purposes.
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