At mo im using a 2.4ghz 3 chan stick radio (Core code RC) which i use for my large scale FG Beetle and has been faultless i have to say.
For now this will work fine for my tug, but i want a radio with more channels in the future so ican remotely activate lights/ sound etc, however i dont want to spend an arm and a leg, and i also dont want one that is specifically for planes or helis as at the mo, any tx over 3 chan seem to be all catered for air and as such the lcd displays on the actual handset have pics of a plane or heli which would totally destroy the scale aspect for me! (im fussy with things like that!).
Is there just a standard radio at a normal price which has around 6 chans or more (stick type)?
What do you guys use? Also ive read that *some* 2.4 systems are not ideal to use with marine due to loss of signal because of water, i know with subs this is an issue and people use FM, But like i say ive read that some 2.4 handsets (such as some of the older range of spektrum) had this issue woth surface marine?