Hi ballastankiam, your views are similar to those of Duncan Sandys back in the 60's-70's when he decided to go for guided missiles and so no fighters or bombers would be needed. The problem is that is all or nothing solution, with no intermediary ability.
The current goings on with N.Korea has them threatening who ever with missiles but then what? They are not equipped to move soldiers, so can't invade anyone apart from on land, going south and they would not encroach on China and cannot get to Japan.
Sorry not meant to be political just using an example.
If you watch the N.K. propoganda and the soldiers marching, the precision is remarkable, see also 'precision marching' on You tube.
I was in the RAF for 4 years, nobody ever tried to march like that it takes continuous dedication to achieve it. Not a lot of time left for actual training for combat! Perhaps they even have to select 'soldiers' for marching ability? But that is on the surface, I suspect the rest are good old fashion 'cannon fodder'.
Also consider where imported electronics comes from, I would not be surprised to find out that specialised 'chips' coming from the far east had a couple of 'special' circuits amongst the millions of existing ones. To be activated when needed!
Consider30 to 40 years ago that coding and encryption devices made in the USA and exported had CIA back door entry or perhaps not quite the quoted protection so thay they could be accessed by 'another'. I can't think of any reason why this practice may have stopped.
Not conspiracy theory. as I watched a documentary on cable TV night before last on codes and cyphers and this was a feature of the programme.
I think there will always be conventional armed forces although drone pilots sit in comfortable armchairs a goodly distance away from the action and perhaps there will be fighting robots, but it all costs a lot in resources better employed else where. The current outing of ISIS by allied forces has shown how necessary it is to have soldiers on the ground trained to do this.
Most of all, it comes down to trust. Most of humanity just want to get on with their lives. Then someone comes along to take advantage etc. etc.
regards Roy